**30 and Gorgeous? ... I will be! **

OOOO whatcha going to see?

I fancy watching black swan, will pick it up sometime :)
when you're done, send him my way, does he pay the babysitter too :p

Its nice to be looked after, enjoy it hunny x
I ordered a dress from asos and it came the other day , I actually like it so here's a wee pic of it for you!


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the dress is gorgeous!
comeon hunny, you can get back on this, get organized and get your head back in the "I'm going to do this no matter what" place.
No plans here this weekend. Catch up with work messages and washing is about as exciting as it gets :p
its so easy to gain isn't it :( you can keep this up!

I sneaky peeked and weight is creeping up. might be ditching this mini pill before I've really got going on it. no reason for gaining this week. will see by wed WI.
it will come off, just a shame it doesn't do it by itself :p

todays mood is "meh" loads to do and no drive to do it :D
Feeling really **** today .... Had a horrible dream last night that no one came out for my 30th birthday in September bar my best friend and I was so upset and it's just made me feel really down today.
It's brought back all the feelings I had a few months ago about my friends all being too busy to see me or to do anything and that really I don't mean that much to people :(
lol tell me when and where and give me a sofa for the night and ill be there (if i can get a babysitter :p)
I survived the nightshift! I had ricecakes with low fat cheese and onion sandwich filler, ww yogurt and rice crisps!

now you're just showing off...jk. Good for you hunny!

If I can con nephew into babysitting overnight I'm up for partying :D