30 Day Shred - who's in??

LittleSis said:
I'm going to order the DVD tomorrow. When it arrives I'll be joining you ladies.
I checked it out on-line and I have to admit I'm a little nervous but I also know I need to do more exercise as well as Zumba :)
I'm new to the site. Is there away to link to you so I don't have to trawl through all the posts?

Just add us all as friends. I think then you can just see what we're all up to.
How'd it go mojo?

LittleSis you should now be subscribed to this thread now you'd commented. Click quick links and then subscribed threads to check for new posts!
caroline g said:
How'd it go mojo?

LittleSis you should now be subscribed to this thread now you'd commented. Click quick links and then subscribed threads to check for new posts!

Hey Caroline, I was worried about doing it today as I was so sore on my arms and legs, but I'm glad I pushed myself and it's done now. The static lunges with bicep press absolutely kill me, as do the pressups, even though I still doing the basic ones...I still can't do even one proper press up, ha!

I do think that third day has been the easiest so far, think say two was the hardest!!

Are you noticing any changes in your body yet?
Funny, I found Day 3 the hardest because I hurt so much before hand! Day 4 was pretty easy to be honest.

Nope, no noticable changes I don't think. Not physical ones any! Just noticed changes in my ability to keep on with things. What about you?
I was really achey too today, but I done it in the evening so my muscles were a little less sore as I guess they warmed up throughout the day!?

No, no visable signs yet, but I'm hoping by Tuesday there will be, as tht will have been a week!!

Are you measuring every Monday?
Ah I did day 3 at 10am! Maybe I should have given it until the evening to do it!

To be honest, you're a lot closer to goal weight than I am so I think you'll see more than I will!

Yup, I do my weigh in every Monday. I'm wondering whether to not do my measurements (normally do them every week) until the end of the 30 days though. But I'm probably too impatient to wait that long to be honest!
Ooo, that's going to be hard to resist measuring until the end...don't think I'll last that long!!

Are you planning on doing the DVD continuosly...even over the weekend and bank holiday?
I've ordered mine today. It should be here tomorrow, if so I'll start it on Monday as my Zumba class isn't on due to it being a BH :p.
I know, I might try though!

Yup, going to try and do it every day, no breaks. But if there's a day that I'm too busy then I'm really not going to beat myself up about it. If I miss a day, then I'll carry on from the net day so that I make sure I do 30 actual days of it.

Sounds like a good plan littlesis :)
I missed yesterday, due to being lazy in the morning, and then on the go from 7.30am-11.30pm. Should be fine for today-Tuesday (I think), and only have one more L1 then I'll be on to L2. Kinda excited, kinda crapping it! lol
Hey everyone,

Just posted in the main forum - Im back trying ccing again on Monday after a long few weeks off the wagon and more lbs back on :sign0007: but i've seen this thread and really want to give it a go as it looks amazing - although i may die doing it!!

One question though ~ I have knee problems, do you think i'll be ok to do it? I don't want to waste my money if it may not be for me. I'm able to Davina DVD's, but i'm guessing this one is much more intense?
There's a fair few jumping jacks and static lunges in level 1, would that be a problem for you? I'll tell you about level 2 when I get there :p
I found day 4 surprisingly ok actually. Did day 5 today and improved a lot on yesterday and the past days I think, might be ready for L2 tomorrow! =/
That's wicked Caroline...you must let me know what level 2 is like. Think I'm going to attempt it on Tuesday!!

Still haven't done day 4...and corrie's on now, but will defo do or afterwards :)
My DVD arrieved today. I going to watch it through over the weekend and start Monday as planed. Looks like we may be going to a Ball in July so need to get my arse into gear!
LittleSis said:
My DVD arrieved today. I going to watch it through over the weekend and start Monday as planed. Looks like we may be going to a Ball in July so need to get my arse into gear!

Good luck littlesis..keep us updated with your progress :)
Day 5 complete, definitely getting easier. Had a sneaky look at level 3, just to see what's in store and wow, looks very, very tough!! Glad I still have 2 days left on level 1, going to enjoy them whilst I can

25 days to go :)