Haha, it wasn't there! Bit peeved! If it's there tomorrow I'll be starting! If not I'll swim again on play TBL xxx no doubt about it, I'll definitely be moaning! Lol x
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thanks maisie im going to see if i can download it at home and have a go yaeee ! strangely im really beginning to enjoy that ache you get the next day after exercising x
I hope it arrives today!!!!
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Got home from work at 2pm, dvd had arrived, got changed and did it! Ouch. My calves hurt the most!!
No kidding, it is difficult, I agree...it's not impossible, I felt like I did a bad job, but I finished it none the less and hopefully i'll see an improvement each day, I probably could have put more effort in still...
Think i'm gonna go swimming this evening, it's working out but relaxing too.