I'm going to give it everything I have now, I am quickly running out of time and I have a goal to meet, 43lbs is 8 week's isn't impossible and I'm going to give everything I have to meet my target! I know it's going to be hard, I know it's going to be stressful and I know it's going to drive me mad, but if I can do 60 little days without a single cheat or day off I know I can do this, I also have a helping hand in june, my birthday is the 8th of june, and normally this would be an excuse to go off plan and ruin all my hard work, but my dentist has saved me, I have appointment the day after my birthday to have 5 teeth removed, so I won't physically be able to eat, I think this will help a lot, and I'll have my new teeth before the holiday which feels amazing (My teeth literally crumbled during pregnancy) can't wait to smile with confidence again!xx