5.5 stone less of Missy!

Thanks for all your lovely comments guys <3 We are over the moon - can't wait to meet our little baby in December!

So here's me at 28 weeks pregnant - 2st 2lbs up from my lowest pre-preg weight. I reckon I'll prob gain about 3st in total at this rate. Then back on it once baby's here! Have decided that I'm still going to aim for my original target even though I don't need the treatment, I want to get myself into the healthy BMI range whatever happens so I've got a lot of work to do once baby is here. So excited for the future! x


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Thank you! xxx

Just to update, I've been continuing to attend SW all the way through my pregnancy and in the last week have made a bigger effort to stick to the plan. My reward this week was a loss of 0.5lb and at 32+6 I'm really happy with that!
Hi all,

Well I got my reward for my weight loss in the shape of a gorgeous baby boy - Seth Rowan was born on 15th December 2013 weighing 7lb 8oz. He's made me so very happy and while being a mummy is hard work I wouldn't have it any other way!

I'm already back to SW and have so far lost 1st 6lbs of my pregnancy gain. So I have 1st 5lbs to go it get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and my total loss currently is 4st 5.5lbs.

Now to get to target for me and my boy <3


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I've just come back to this site after about 6 months away, and checked out this thread last night, to see if you'd got your wish-I'm so delighted for you. What a gorgeous boy :)
Congratulations hunni Seth is gorgeous and well worth waiting for, also well done on your loss since having him. Brilliant work x
I've just found this thread Sarah, you have done amazing, and to have lost about half of your preg weight already, wow. im still about 7lbs less than i was when preg and that was just freddies weight etc, im eating ***** and feeling like *****, my ankles have swelled back up again and i still can't get my wedding ring on! its callums birthday on Friday, but im gonna get my head round re-starting sw after that, you've inspired me, oh and i know I've said it before but Seth is soooo gorgeous :) xxx
Thank you lovelies! Seth is amazing, couldn't ask for a lovelier little dude <3

Now I just need to get the weight off! Will update in future :) x
I've just found this thread Sarah, you have done amazing, and to have lost about half of your preg weight already, wow. im still about 7lbs less than i was when preg and that was just freddies weight etc, im eating ***** and feeling like *****, my ankles have swelled back up again and i still can't get my wedding ring on! its callums birthday on Friday, but im gonna get my head round re-starting sw after that, you've inspired me, oh and i know I've said it before but Seth is soooo gorgeous :) xxx

Honestly, I'm not that inspiring! I've had a really bad week if I'm honest so I think I'll gain. It's so hard with a new baby so don't be tough on yourself. Especially if you're still retaining water, it took ages for mine to go and I still have swelling around where my c section scar is.

Hope you and your boys are doing well! xxx
Your story is really inspiring - I love your style, too! Well done on the weight loss :)

Aw, thank you! xxx

I'm now 1st 9lbs down, 1st 2lbs of pregnancy weight to go! Then on to target :) xxx
Your story is really inspiring, you look fab, well done and congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy, he's gorgeous. :)
Your story is really inspiring, you look fab, well done and congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy, he's gorgeous. :)

Thank you! xxx
I came across your thread for the first time today, started reading from the beginning - the whole time wishing and hoping that your pic of you and a baby was the happy ending you wanted and so very pleased for you when I got to that bit in your story! Amazing! Well done for the weight loss and baby gain ;)

What a transformation and story!! Totally inspiring.

I love your style too, nice betty fringe.
AMAZEBALLS!! What a transformation and story!! Totally inspiring. I love your style too, nice betty fringe.

Thank you! I've been a bit off it this last week and seeing this thread inspires me to carry on and get my 5.5 stone award back :) You've gotta love the Bettie fringe hehe, drives me made when it grows out! xxx