Well, i really hope that i get back to ketosis soon as at the moment i am having to eat chicken every day as Im so hungry! Whilst i am happier with how my body looks now with clothes on, without i am starting to look like am old lady! Every morning i am religiously applying palmers oil but the skin is still going saggy-hmm attractive! I know that exercise will help but i have just lost all motivation on that side. Gym membership needs renewing in August and i am seriously considering not bothering-that's bad huh. Its like i can only give motivation to one thing at a time and right now that's the diet, which i know is stupid as it should in hand in hand with exercise. Someone pleas give me a kick up the bum! On a positive, i have started baking again and it has been ok. I've realised that the enjoyment is in the cooking and watching others enjoying eating-not actually eating myself. Banana cake yesterday which did smell amazing and American style pancakes for breakfast for fathers day this morning. Mind you, the strawberries on top were very tempting! Speaking of fathers, Im wondering if i should send my dad a photo of my weight loss as i am unlikely to see him this year. Despite being in my 30s, it seems that i still crave my dads approval-pathetic really. I know that whatever his response is i will take it in the wrong way so maybe i just should leave it. By the time i actually do next see him i might have accepted my new body myself so will deal with it better.Im still looking down and just seeing fat legs, knees,thighs, bum. I think that it is safe to say that this combined with the saggy skin means that i will never be seen in a bikini. For the first time Ever i understand why people do plastic surgery. I know it is vain, but after all this effort on the diet it seems unfair to look like this. 2 pregnancies-eating for 2- have left my tummy looking like a deflated balloon. And my boobs, well i can't tell you. I can literally lift the skin up! Gross. Don't get me wrong, Im still happier like this-granny skin and all, but i had hoped to feel a wee bit more sexy! My poor husband-all this dieting and he still can't see me starkers! Anyway, enough of my self pity-the sun is shining so time to get out. Take care anyone out there. X x x