hey guys, sorry i havent been around lately, me and my boyfriend have moved homes so things have been MANIC!!!!!! plus my head really hasnt been in the game at all

so i thought i'd answer the questions mentioned before to re-analyse myself a bit
1) What is my goal?
Ideally i want to be 9stone as this is a healthy weight for me.
2) Why do I want to achieve this goal?
To be healthy, to not be 'the fat girl', to not be 'pretty if i wasnt so big', to not sweat and go red-faced and get out of breath so easily, to feel more attractive to my boyfriend, to feel better about how i look, to feel more confident, to not feel like such an outcast amongst other people, to not look like and act like such a pig and then wish i hadnt! To get nicer clothes that actually look nice too, to have an achievement of reaching a healthy weight, to ease the pressure on my knee as im likely to get arthritis in it, to not have bingo wings/stretch marks/thigh fat/belly rolls! To not take up so much space on the bus people dont want to sit next to me cuz they think they wont fit on the seat beside me lol
3) If I do not achieve it, what pains will I have?
Mental/emotional pain of failing at something i want to do, feeling self conscious and embarrassed about my body. Physical pain in my knee, feeling uncomfortable walking around or getting out of breath.
4) If I achieve it, what happiness will I have?
Happiness and confidence in my body (maybe not total but definitely more than i have now)
5) What will happen to me if I continue my current situation for the next 10 years?
I can say 'goodbye' to the chance of better health and 'hello' to a continually growing bum!
6) Then when do I want to take action? Now, today, yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!