hi 1 bighetty,katchatterbox,liannejane .. you're all doing so well, i feel a bit of a fraud starting the group and no having had a proper weigh in yet (my new scales are faulty

think the list is great idea, will drop in for chat but wont be able to do weigh in until get new scales .. probably another week or so as snowed in atm !!
love the sound of the ww sausages, where did you pick those up from helzbelz?
i'll set my first target at -14 lbs by 6th april - we're going to cornwall for a week and no doubt loads walking, swimming (eeeeep!!) and other activities im going to have to push myself into doing (apparently i never join in, so making the effort)
what plans are you all following? ive heard its easiest to lose the weight on red days, but preferring ee atm
do any of you use flexidays? if so, can i be cheeky and ask what your top limit is for points? im supposed to be meeting few colleagues next week for a chinese so might go easy during the day and eat what i want (within reason) at the restaurant x