5+ stones to lose team

Down 2.2lb

So that's from 15stone to 13st9.6 :)
Still can't fit into some cheap size 18 new look jeans though they are going to charity shop cos I get annoyed everytime I try them on.
3 stone is my initial big target, do you feel much different for 3 stone gone? I'm 1stone 3lb down And I'm not starting to feel Any slimmer really. Feel better but not really much slimmer

I've lost 3 stone and half a pound but I don't really feel any different in myself! I've been told I've lost weight around my face and my boobs have definitely gone down and my waist! I've been taking underwear pictures and comparing them but I still can't see a difference :( so glad it's not just me! I won't be discouraged :) Keep going x
Hi ladies, mind if I join you? I aim to lose 5 stone this year and possibly another 2-2.5 stone next year (depending how I feel after losing 5 stone)
I feel like I have had very slow progress since I started in January- I've lost 1st 4lbs. I am doing the plan from home and this is the longest I have stuck to it so I'm still soldiering on and I will do this. you're all doing amazing!
Hi Nettie, I'm doing it from home to.
Where do you think your pressure points are.
I've started adding in 2 red days a week going to see how this pans out at wi tomorrow.
Hi hun, I'm not much of a planner so I sometimes eat very little as I haven't thought about the day or where I'm going to be etc. I am rubbish at weekends as my whole routine goes out of the window. I'm not eating the wrong things, I'm just not eating much of anything. I have been going the gym 3 times a week too and probably haven't been drinking enough water maybe.
I only do red days with the odd green or ee thrown in, since January I've probably had 5 green or ee days. Red days work so much better for me.
How do you get on going it alone at home? X
Hi everyone,

May I join?

I have 8 stones to lose! So if I could get 5 of those off this year that would be amazing.
Well, it looks like I should join this team as I've got about 8 or 9 stone to lose. So, hello! :)
I started SW last Monday and my weight was 18st13lbs - my first goal is to get to 17 stone. First weigh in is looming on Monday, hoping it goes ok :)
Thought I'd check in and say hi :) got my club 10 last week and am now in the 22's having lost 37lbs, still a long way to go though
After a rough few weeks over Easter bring bring off uni and being home I'm now up to 3st 2lb off, back at uni, finals are coming up, let's hope the stress helps me shed a few lbs!!
Hi guys! Hope you don't mind me joining! I started at 14 stone 7lbs, and have finally settled on wanting to getting down to 9 stone. I have always wanted to but at first feared it wasn't possible. This week I felt motivated and driven for first time, like I can achieve anything so I am going to set 9 stone as my new target!

That means an overall loss of 5 1/2 stone! :-/

However I have lost 1 stone 12lb so far. I just hope you don't mind me joining, losing this much weight is crazy for me, but I want to be healthy and this puts me mid range for that. I am now ready to say that 5 1/2 stone is the biggest challenge to ever face, and I'm now ready to get there!

So it's now 3 1/2 stone left for me :) I hope I don't ever rocket back up to my former weight, that would be my worst nightmare I think >.<
Hi guys :eek:
can i join?

i started with 6 stone 7lb to loose, im now sitting at 4 stone 11.5lb to loose

i want to loose the weight asap and maintain of course!

this is the heaviest ive been in my life and if i get to 11 stone then that will be the lightest ive been in my life - apart from growing up

ive set a load of mini targets so i hope i can reach them all

Can I join please? :D

I'm Charlotte and I started SS last Thursday at a weight of 17st7.5lb! The top end of the ideal weight for my height is about 9lb.7 stone, meaning I have just over 8st to lose.
My first goal is 15st2lb as that's what I was 6 years ago when I joined WW. :)
I'm jumping on the bandwagon also...

I'm Jolene, I started slimming world a week and a half ago with a weight of 16:1, I lost 6lb in my first week :) and I weigh in on a Thursday. Ideally I would like to get down to 11 stone..

I've lost 3 stone and half a pound but I don't really feel any different in myself! I've been told I've lost weight around my face and my boobs have definitely gone down and my waist! I've been taking underwear pictures and comparing them but I still can't see a difference :( so glad it's not just me! I won't be discouraged :) Keep going x

I'm with you there! I've lost nearly 2 stone so far ( 2lbs away from the award) and I don't really see a difference :-/ lost a few inches when I measure, but tbh it's not a massive change I see when putting clothes on! I guess cos I still see my flabby stomach and muffin top so to me, there's no difference. I'm hoping the next stone I lose will do the mirror trick on me :) fingers crossed!
Laurenypop don't worry! I'm only just starting to see a difference myself and Ive lost 3st 2! We're so use to seeing ourselves you never really notice the difference, have a look for some old photos, that's what did it for me x
Laurenypop don't worry! I'm only just starting to see a difference myself and Ive lost 3st 2! We're so use to seeing ourselves you never really notice the difference, have a look for some old photos, that's what did it for me x

See I don't have any old photos of me when I put the weight on, well i found two butnone was just a head shot and the other i was wearing all black so u cant see any of me lol. So the latest best ones I had was on my wedding day! Shocking, I trawled through my FB tags to find one but I guess I have been camera dodging! I weighed what I do now on my wedding day too I think, I was possibly 13 stone though.

Wedding pic was me in 2011, and the other is me last year around November 2012


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Hi Guys :)
well i lost 3lb last night, i now have 4 stone 8.5lb to loose. think that i can do that this year?

how is everyone else getting on?xxx