Thanks peeps. I've been dreading today, dreading that time where I have to be in front of the camera and it be about me. I have so many issues with my body and the way I look, I'm always hiding behind the camera!! But today I have had an amazing day!! I'm so pleased we chose the photographer we did, he likes natural looks and didn't make me feel uncomfortable at any point. Eager to see the shots now!! I have lost 2 stone and I'm super proud of that but I do wonder how I would feel if I lost another 1- it's possible within the time frame! Just need to commit!! I have a crazy busy week this week, off to Exeter on a course Monday, Tuesday and then away the following weekend. We always try and get away the first weekend of December to start the christmas feeling- the fiancée always surprises me so have no idea where we're off to!! So I'm going to enjoy this week, make good choices where I can and then get back on it next Monday- strictly! X