50 hours in and failing :-(


Hi Everyone

Not had such a good day today :cry:, after tasting the few meals that I did yesterday and with me finding them a bit gross I just couldn't face trying any today, especially since I have had a horrid headache for over 24 hours now.

I have tried to be good and keep my carbs and calories down but haven't eaten any Exante stuff.

Will try again tomorrow.

Good luck everyone.

Lou x
Aww lou :( sorry to hear you're struggling! Hopefully it'll get easier today or tomorrow? You're still doing amazing even if you're not eating the exante products. Let us know how you're feeling today. Ketosis might just kick in!

Good luck with today, and well done for your battles so far!

Biz xx
Don't feel bad - just do the best you can and if you have a day or two off don't beat yourself up about it - I bet you have still been better (eating wise) than you were before you started on your weight loss journey.

I have been on exante for 4 weeks and lost a stone - and apart from the first week I have not been 100% because life gets in the way! Took me 6 days to get into ketosis and then straight out again cos I was drinking pepsi max instead of coke zero! Was gutted and not been in ketosis since but am still losing weight steadily. Have been out every week (drinking!!) and meals (including a chinese), drink coffee and not as much water as I should cos I just can't stomach it.

The way I see it as long as the weight comes off steady (or even stays the same when I have been particularly bad) I am happy cos if I carried on the way I was I would be another half a stone heavier by now.

The good thing about exante is I think you can adapt it to suit yourself. I have such high admiration for those that can go 100% for weeks but I can't so I loosely follow a meal a day and it's working. So don't give up, don't beat yourself up and just remember that you have made a positive step towards weight loss and pat yourself on the back for that!
I wish there was a "like" button like they have on facebook ;)

Great post jelly belly!

Biz xx
Thank you all so much for your support, especially to jelly because that was a really lovely post...thank you xxx

I tried the nut and raisin bar late yesterday evening and it was a bit yucky so didn't finish it.

Today not been good at all, just could not face the Exante products and I ended up at the chippy for tea lol....talk about one extreme to the other lol...I only had about half a plate of chips though so I think overall I haven't been to terrible.

I think my Exante stuff is going to find its way on to ebay soon because I just cant eat it or drink it.

Jelly you are right in what you say about just being better than I have been and that is what I need to focus on, as long as I am feeling better and losing weight then that has to be good even if I am not using Exante.

Thanks again for your support ladies and I wish you all the very best of luck on your weight loss journey.

I guess I wont be able to post on this forum anymore because I am not using Exante...will have to have a look for one that just covers weight loss without specific products as people here are so supportive.

Lou xxxxx
Aww thats a shame Louise. I do have to say though that if you did stick with it you will find the products becoming more palatable. When I first tasted the tomato soup I ended up pouring it down the sink. Its now my favourite. Same with the vanilla hot with coffee - hated it at first but now I love it.
I agree - probably best to give the products a try - such an expense! Try adding salt, pepper or even spices to the soups - they not so bad after a while!! I have a blender and mix in that - they are quite creamy and I add more water. Fills a huge mug!

I find milkshakes ok - I use the vanilla in coffee (but let water cool down a little first or can go a bit funny). I know others add sweetener though.

However, if you decide to try something else don't be dishearted, Lou, there are lots of diets to try or just cut down a bit til you are really ready. I find the worse bit about dieting is that if your heart is not in it then you can set yourself up for a fall and end up feeling like a failure! THIS IS NOT TRUE - no-one is a failure - we just aren't quite ready.

This is a particularly hard time to diet with all the scrummy foods on offer at Christmas so everyone finds it hard at this time of year imo.

Don't feel bad - good luck on whatever you decide to do x x:gen126:
Oh hun hope your head is in the right place today. Just take one day at a time and if you still can`t do it then take a few days break, come back to it, try again. That way you will know whether you want to do it or not. Well done for trying. x
I hated the bars when I first tried them but love them now. You do get used to the taste after a while.
Thank you all so much for your kind support but I have decided that the Exante is not for me unfortunately. I will sell the Exante stuff I have to try and get some of the money back. I am not going to give up though, I have tried slimfast products several times and actually like the taste of some of their products...hurrayyyy lol...so will try and stick to that but am going to have to do a bit of research on supplements because I know they dont provide the same nutrition as the likes of Exante, LL and CD and I know my meals wont be as balanced as they need to be so will try slimfast with a supplement and go from there.

Good luck to you all on your weight loss journeys and I hope you have a fab christmas.

Lou x
Sorry exante didn't work out for you, maybe look into tescos range of meal replacements called ultra slim, they do shakes and bars, I has some of the rasberry and yoghurt bars when I was in between exante orders and they were lovely, if I hadn't already ordered the exante I would be using them instead as they are also much cheaper.

Good luck for the future.