50 Shades of Grey

Anyone know what it's about without giving away to many spoilers. I'm hugely into supernatural books and someone said its like twilight. I've never read that saga though but it's on my kindle waiting there to be read once I have read the other books in my kindle.
I haven't read twilight but I understand it was written as fan fiction initially. However, there is nothing supernatural about these books.

It's s&m themed adult fiction. That's about all I can say without spoiling anything.
I think as long as you don't expect too much in terms of the quality of writing and you love a romance then you will love it !!
I just got to Greys apartment and Ana has been taken to his room and my bloody mother walks in! I swear i had a cheeky smirk on my face!
I'm dying to read this, been recommended so many times, mate is lending me the series when she's finished, can't wait! X
I bought this from tesco for £3.84 I was going to buy it for double the day before as I was so curious at all the good reviews. Well I haven't started yet its in my pile of to read... About 3 down :) by sounds of it it's not going
To live up to the hype MIT oh well it will be an experience
Pure filth beginning to end, so Ive just purchased the 2nd :D
Zoesastar said:
Whats wrong lol

Lol! Read another meaning into the word filth! Got worried cos I've bought all 3 of the books. But u meant good filth, lol xx
Don't worry skinny sia, it certainly is good filth ;) You haven't wasted your money on the 3 books! They call it mummy porn!!!
The hype has totally put me off these now. I got them free for my kindle but theyre falling further and further down my 'to read' list