
Hi Isobel

Your daughter is really talented!! You make sure you nurture that talent. They will be reading her poems in English Lit in years to come!!

ps. Made me cry too!
Hiya Tanith,

What a brilliant poem, well done you, and thanks to your Mum for sharing it with us.:p

Reckon that was worth a few Merit points :D
Hiya Tanith,

That's a beautiful poem lovie, your Mum is quite rightly very very proud of you!:D

You're very intuitive and intelligent beyond your years hun, and I'm glad you're so well brought up and level headed!:D :D

Unlike your Mum! hahahaha only joking Issy!:) :D :D :) ;)
An amazing piece of poetry from one so young - some kids never cease to amaze me..... what a clever girl......must get it from her mother eh?;)

Beautiful! Well done Tanith (wot a beautiful name too.:) )

WOW! Isobel,

That is something else from someone who is only 12!

I would agree with all the others that she has got talent for sure.

Love Mini xxx