5kg by Christmas- and i don't mean how many tins of Roses I will have eaten!

Oh I hate that. Not only are birthday teas some of the most tempting foods around (double layer chocolate cake anyone?!) but family get togethers can be so fraught around eating. If you're not eating it can become a real issue and people go out of their way to either try and tempt you with goodies saying 'one day won't make a difference' or use the opportunity to let you know why your way isn't the best way and all you actually need to do is 'eat less and move more'. Can you tell I'm talking about my own family experiences here? What I normally do is deprive myself virtuously in front of everyone and then stuff myself miserable later on my own. What a healthy approach- not!

I hope you have a nice time and are not as neurotic as me :) x
Well I'm going to aim for a couscous salad if we go to wether spoons. Hopefully damage control. X
So yesterday went downhill a bit- started to feel a bit poorly so hubby came home from work to look after me and dinner ended up being co co pops and prosecco in front of Bake Off. Now I've scoured the SW plan and I can't find the bit where this is in any way free or super free so I guess I'm a massive synner!! :)

I also felt rubbish because I had a phone conversation with my mum and she is hands down the most negative person in the world (she wouldn't recognise herself in this description at all). An example? I say that me and my sister think we should all go shopping in Bath before Christmas and get some lunch together. Most mums would like to be invited and included to shopping and lunch with their adult daughters no? My mums response? "It'll be very crowded - we'll never park".

A half hour conversation covering subjects of money, my house, my kids, my work all with similar negativity left me feeling drained and resentful. Only Nestles finest could help me out with this seemingly.

Feeling rough again this morning but have been out for a couple of little bike rides, including one to a pub with my husband and the little one on the back (we're not alkys, we had lime and soda and LO had a play on the equipment).

Feeling better for having pushed myself- now have work this afternoon and a sleep on call shift tonight- but am going to try to get to a body combat class first thing tomorrow- want my mojo back!!!
I noticed yesterday evening I was slipping into a familiar pattern to me: SELF-SABOTAGE!!

So have decided to notice this and change it. So this morning- have only eaten fruit til midday and have just done a hardcore body combat class- which was great!

Going to stick to plan today (EE or green not sure which). A day at a time. This flab won't leave just because I ask it nicely......