Gold Member
I'm sure with the exercise it'll even things out....what time do you get weighed? Isn't it delicious chocolate when you've not had it for a while, tasted like heaven to me when i did lol
We got engaged 1st july (our 1st yr anniversary) in madeira under the stars in front of the sea the sweetypie and we wanted to get married on the 1st but it's midweek next yr and i really wanted to get married on a saturday. I fell in love with my dress before i even tried it on....saw it at a wedding fayre with my friend but put it out of my mind as i had pink leaves down the front and my theme is gold and ivory so i made an appt with a diff shop but my car broke so i couldnt go and this dress kept popping back in my mind so i made an appt at that shop and it was still there stood out to more than any other as it was so different and the lady came over to help and i was saying how gorgeous it was but wrong colours then she tells me it comes in 5 other being just added so that was it i tried it on and i loved it tried 1 other on ad no it was just horrid so rather than try on others i just kep with this one and i havent yet seen any that catch my eye as much, got piccies somewhere in here...nineenababes - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Where abouts are you getting married?
We got engaged 1st july (our 1st yr anniversary) in madeira under the stars in front of the sea the sweetypie and we wanted to get married on the 1st but it's midweek next yr and i really wanted to get married on a saturday. I fell in love with my dress before i even tried it on....saw it at a wedding fayre with my friend but put it out of my mind as i had pink leaves down the front and my theme is gold and ivory so i made an appt with a diff shop but my car broke so i couldnt go and this dress kept popping back in my mind so i made an appt at that shop and it was still there stood out to more than any other as it was so different and the lady came over to help and i was saying how gorgeous it was but wrong colours then she tells me it comes in 5 other being just added so that was it i tried it on and i loved it tried 1 other on ad no it was just horrid so rather than try on others i just kep with this one and i havent yet seen any that catch my eye as much, got piccies somewhere in here...nineenababes - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Where abouts are you getting married?