5th July 2013... 350 days to get myself into my dream dress!

It's not so bad cos the older ones practically look after theirselves!

Hope you get it sorted soon, when I was renting my landlord was rubbish, took ages just to do the smallest of jobs. We went 2 weeks once in the middle of winter with no heating.

Hope your having a good weekend, it's cold but at least the suns shining x
Yay I've found your diary :D

I love, love, love the wedding dress you're going to have, it's absolutely stunning :D
It's not so bad cos the older ones practically look after theirselves!

Hope you get it sorted soon, when I was renting my landlord was rubbish, took ages just to do the smallest of jobs. We went 2 weeks once in the middle of winter with no heating.

Hope your having a good weekend, it's cold but at least the suns shining x

I am looking forward to when they are a bit older but also really enjoying these ages...as much as they drive me crazy and deprive me of sleep I wouldn't be without them.

Our landlady is OK, just lots seems to be going wrong with the house, we were just unlucky that we didn't get to view it before we moved down.

Yay I've found your diary :D

I love, love, love the wedding dress you're going to have, it's absolutely stunning :D

You stalker lol. I love it too... hence why I am so desperate to be able to fit into it. It wouldn't look the same on a chunky monkey! I just wish I knew what size I was going to get to so I could order it now lol
You dress is gorgeous and you are going to look stunning and the best thing is you're eating fab food! I love SW because I can see it supporting me long term and fits in with my manic social life so I don't have to refuse nights out!
You dress is gorgeous and you are going to look stunning and the best thing is you're eating fab food! I love SW because I can see it supporting me long term and fits in with my manic social life so I don't have to refuse nights out!

Thanks hun. I hope so. If nothing else it's giving me the motivation I needed.

SW is ace... I don't feel like I'm dieting which is important for me.
Me neither which is what is keeping me going! I need to get my dress fitted soon I overestimated and bought a size 18 so the dressmaker it taking it to pieces and refitting round me! Hope to lose a little bit more before then!
Me neither which is what is keeping me going! I need to get my dress fitted soon I overestimated and bought a size 18 so the dressmaker it taking it to pieces and refitting round me! Hope to lose a little bit more before then!

How long do you have?
Have you got everything else about sorted?
Right, Only 1lb down this week. Have decided I need to have a bit of a back to basics week so to help myself I'm going to write my what I'm eating down on here each day to keep me focused.

So for breakfast today I had 2 weetabix with milk and an apple.
Lunch is going to be a mugshot with grapes.
Dinner is Jacket potato with tinned mackerel and lots of salad followed by a banana.
I will use 2 syns for 2 tsp of flora light on my jacket potato, will have 2 ginger nut biscuits with a cuppa at some point (5 syns) and will have a hi-fi light bar tonight (3) so that is 10 syns today.
BlondeGem said:
Hey 1lb is good, well done :)

I have told group I want 4lb next week to get my 10% so I am back on 100%! Feeling super positive, have also been talked into doing a 13mile midnight walk for charity with some of the girls from group in July... In fancy dress, would like to be down to 15st by then. Will be starting training with on of the girls next week so we don't look completely lame lol
Have you got myfitnesspal? It's brilliant for logging foods and calories and all that. Helps me loads x
I have told group I want 4lb next week to get my 10% so I am back on 100%! Feeling super positive, have also been talked into doing a 13mile midnight walk for charity with some of the girls from group in July... In fancy dress, would like to be down to 15st by then. Will be starting training with on of the girls next week so we don't look completely lame lol

Excellent about being super positive! :)

Is that the Moonwalk by any chance? They do one here in Edinburgh every year :)
Have you got myfitnesspal? It's brilliant for logging foods and calories and all that. Helps me loads x

I've been using target weight as like seeing a graph and am all about the data. Might look at my fitness pal too. Thanks.

Excellent about being super positive! :)

Is that the Moonwalk by any chance? They do one here in Edinburgh every year :)

Yeah, it's the 30th year they've done it here I believe and have added a special 30 mile option... I'm not sure I'm up to that or could be away from my youngest that long, think my boobs would have exploded by the time I'd finished.

Had a really good day today. I feel so much better when I've planned, its when I have to think on the fly I'm not so good lol
I've been using target weight as like seeing a graph and am all about the data. Might look at my fitness pal too. Thanks.

Yeah, it's the 30th year they've done it here I believe and have added a special 30 mile option... I'm not sure I'm up to that or could be away from my youngest that long, think my boobs would have exploded by the time I'd finished.

Had a really good day today. I feel so much better when I've planned, its when I have to think on the fly I'm not so good lol

Oh wow 30 miles!! My friend did it two years ago, she had to sit with her feet in a foot spa most of the following day :D I would imagine it would be such a great feeling to complete it though, massive sense of achievement.

Where abouts are you?
Oh wow 30 miles!! My friend did it two years ago, she had to sit with her feet in a foot spa most of the following day :D I would imagine it would be such a great feeling to complete it though, massive sense of achievement.

Where abouts are you?

Plymouth, so LOTS of hills too...just to make it interesting!
Right, forgot to put what I had yesterday as wasn't online for long as had an early night.

Breakfast yesterday was bacon sarni with 2 dairylea (no marg) followed by a banana.
I had apple mid morning.
Lunch was a mugshot and grapes again, was in a rush and it was yummy.
For dinner OH made me a yummy beef stir fry type thing. Was super yummy, noodles, broccoli, cauliflower, red pepers, onion, mushrooms and beef. He added a few spices and soy sauce and was lush.
I was super good yesterday but made a silly mistake of having a yazoo... I didn't check the syn value first and nearly cried after but am hoping as I'm breastfeeding some of the milk syns will be used up by my extra healthy extras but who knows.

Today I have had a bacon and Dairylea sarni (again...very yummy but won't have one tomorrow) a banana and and apple.

Lunch is cooking and is chicken breast and LOADS of veggies

Dinner is a Jacket Potato with beans and lots of salad, not sure what I will use my syns on, but 2 will be used on the jacket for 2 tsp of flora light.

Hope everyone is having a good day.
Hi Ellen, hope you're having a good Sunday :)

How many syns were in the yazoo?
Hi Ellen, hope you're having a good Sunday :)

How many syns were in the yazoo?

16 syns.... I nearly cried lol

Hope your flight was ok.

Todays meals are... Breakfast - 2 x poached eggs, 2 x toast, Bacon and tinned tomato yummy, Lunch is chicken and Vegtasticness and Dinner will be Mugshot with fruit. Also fruit if I get peckish. Syns are the flora light (2) and gravy (depends how much I have lol)