Thank you to everyone for your kind comments - I truly believe that anyone can do it!! Before I was the "I'll start Monday" and never started, "just one kebab" and it turned to 20, "I'm not even that fat" but I was a 22 and had a very high BMI... Kind of girl... And it just took me to lose the weight to realize it... I believe if I can do it, anyone can!! I was the girl obsessed with forums asking all the questions possible and wanting to compare myself to everyone else and their weight loss... So please if you have any questions I will do my best to support and answer

.. Regarding CD products... I have heard you can use them as part of maintenance. If I'm honest no I don't, I have some bars in the fridge that I occasionally pinch if I haven't had breakfast as I feel they are a great nutritional start if I am in a rush - plus they are yummy (lemon yoghurt mmmm

!!) but I don't use them on a regular basis. I do however see my CD consultant once a month, even though I don't buy from her. She is great and it's more of a supportive meeting to check that I am keeping it off... Once I returned from my holiday, I went and saw her about "getting rid of the 2lb" - despite everyone saying its nothing, to me it was...!! Keep going everyone

.... Remember - if it becomes an obsession it's good ... Obsessed is what lazy people use to describe he dedicated
