You look amazing! Well done! Did you get any "lower"?! How are you doing now???
Vee's Girl Full Member 15 January 2015 #41 You look amazing! Well done! Did you get any "lower"?! How are you doing now???
Queen Bizzle Silver Member 16 April 2015 #45 JEEEEEEEZ! My jaw is on the floor. You look incredible. I start exante tomorrow - this is the inspiration I need! Thank you for posting!
JEEEEEEEZ! My jaw is on the floor. You look incredible. I start exante tomorrow - this is the inspiration I need! Thank you for posting!
slimgirlWW Full Member 20 May 2015 #47 That's a huge achievement, I have around 7st to lose. You're an inspiration
Roses Full Member 21 December 2016 #48 Hi Hope you are good and fit.. You had a great achievement.. nice spirit and decisiveness. Well Done