Ela ine
Likes to post, and eat.
aww what a motiving post Jooloo 
It basically involves a few stages, first being attack, which you follow anything from 2 - 7/10 days (or until you stop losing)
During attack you can only eat lean protein and very low fat dairy. So it's a lot like atkins, but minus the fat.
during this time you also have to drink lots of water and include 1.5 table spoons of oat bran in your diet.
After the attack phase you move on to 'cruise' which means alternating pp days and pv days.
pp = pure protein
pv = protein and veg
Anyway - I'm giving a go! Down 4lbs already this week (since Tue) but know most of that will be water.
Re: the other irritating little incident. .. he is an absolute MORON! And I can't believe how he has made me feel, further, can't believe I have been emotionally involved with such a moron for over half a decade! What a joke! Then the cheeky ship had the audacity to email me last night!!!!
Anyway, will top up on the pepsi max before my swim this afternoon : ) Hope everyone is doing okay.
Not heard from Mich, where aree youu :wavey:
and Leanne - how is your bump doing hun? Any kicks
It basically involves a few stages, first being attack, which you follow anything from 2 - 7/10 days (or until you stop losing)
During attack you can only eat lean protein and very low fat dairy. So it's a lot like atkins, but minus the fat.
during this time you also have to drink lots of water and include 1.5 table spoons of oat bran in your diet.
After the attack phase you move on to 'cruise' which means alternating pp days and pv days.
pp = pure protein
pv = protein and veg
Anyway - I'm giving a go! Down 4lbs already this week (since Tue) but know most of that will be water.
Re: the other irritating little incident. .. he is an absolute MORON! And I can't believe how he has made me feel, further, can't believe I have been emotionally involved with such a moron for over half a decade! What a joke! Then the cheeky ship had the audacity to email me last night!!!!
Anyway, will top up on the pepsi max before my swim this afternoon : ) Hope everyone is doing okay.
Not heard from Mich, where aree youu :wavey:
and Leanne - how is your bump doing hun? Any kicks