6 Stone to lose 😭😭😭

Still on track....just had my 3rd meal, choc Shake. I did have an egg earlier. I was feeling faint and knew if I had my meal at 3/4 I’d struggle all evening. An egg is pretty much carb free so I’m hoping it will be okay.

I’m a bit worried about tomorrow. No car for 2 days, so walking into town, busy play centre with toddler, walking back. It will be closer to my usual 15k steps. These past 3 days I’ve been doing less steps on purpose. I’m not sure of the best strategy if I do need the extra....an extra pack is adding a whole 20g carbs. Maybe a low carb snack (an egg/nuts/some chicken) would be a better option. Less calories and virtually no carbs:
Hi SPE. I’m on 3 packs too but if I’m struggling I’ll have a fourth. Only just started so I’m still figuring it out too. My first goal is 7 stone so I look forward to seeing us both get there. Day 3 for me and hungry but determined. Good luck!
A few of us on day 3....how’s it going for you? Today has been the hardest for me.
Just used a per stick to measure ketosis and i’m there :D not sure why I’m still so hungry.
I used the stick today! In Ketosis too! I had some chicken tonight rather than a bar! I think having an egg is fine, low in calories too! if you feel you need another egg given you’re doing more walking My guess is you should be ok too! The bars have some carbs in them so probably an egg would be better than a 4th bar/shake! Although not sure on carbs in the shakes! I had 5.5 off this morning too!
A few of us on day 3....how’s it going for you? Today has been the hardest for me.

Going ok. I feel more alert and according to the scales ten minutes ago I've lost 5lbs! Fluid I know but I can't wait until next stone bracket. Roll on day 4. I've not got any ketostix as I was warned if you drink lots of water they can be too pale to register anyway. I'd just wind myself up I think.
How is everyone getting on?

I had some chips last night 🙈only a few but I checked Ketosis this morning and I’m not in it anymore! Decided to play around with the diet today. With 3 bars per day net carbs is approx 40-45g and you need to be below 50g for Ketosis! Therefore to speed up me going back to Ketosis I’m gonna replace a bar with 2 eggs, should be similar calories and virtually no carbs. Not sure this will work and only learnt any of what I just said from Google lol! Will let you know how I get on!
I really needed some food today so I had myself a crumpet with an egg on. Hope I haven't doe too much damage x
I’m out at the moment. Had a banana shake first thing. Was chasing my daughter around play centre and was so faint, not hungry just faint. So had my bar early. Hopefully home soon. Already done 16 thousand steps. Think i’ll have my shake this evening. Then depending on how I feel a low carb snack like eggs or chicken.
What do any of u have to drink apart gro
I’m out at the moment. Had a banana shake first thing. Was chasing my daughter around play centre and was so faint, not hungry just faint. So had my bar early. Hopefully home soon. Already done 16 thousand steps. Think i’ll have my shake this evening. Then depending on how I feel a low carb snack like eggs or chicken.
Sounds like u r doing well. I will prob have a put tonight with low carb rice then a bar later and let u know
If I’m honest I think having a crumpet or chips is a bad idea. I know it isn’t a lot but the extra carbs will kick you out of ketosis and make you crave sugar and the hunger will come back. I think it’s best to stick to low carb, but that’s just my opinion.

Day 4
I need to rethink days out with the kids. It’s exhausting. 4pm and I’ve done 18k steps. It’s far too much for 600 calories. Ive not felt hunger today, I’ve got lots of energy too but Ive felt faint and dizzy. I’m thinking on those active days to have a breakfast. Something like spinach or cheese omelette. For the calories and not the carbs. Then have my 3 packs on top.

So have one meal left today, might try the lemon cheesecake shake. Sounds revolting lol
What do any of u have to drink apart gro
Water. Then I measure 200ml of unsweetened almond milk out at the start of the day. It’s only 30 calories and 1g carb. I use that in hot drinks. I can drink black coffee but not black tea.
Wow SPE that’s slot of steps. I’m not surprised you’re feeling dizzy. You look like you’ve a sound coping strategy. I know I’ll be pinching recipes and having a meal or fourth pack on tricky days. Well done you for keeping going.
If I’m honest I think having a crumpet or chips is a bad idea. I know it isn’t a lot but the extra carbs will kick you out of ketosis and make you crave sugar and the hunger will come back. I think it’s best to stick to low carb, but that’s just my opinion.

Day 4
I need to rethink days out with the kids. It’s exhausting. 4pm and I’ve done 18k steps. It’s far too much for 600 calories. Ive not felt hunger today, I’ve got lots of energy too but Ive felt faint and dizzy. I’m thinking on those active days to have a breakfast. Something like spinach or cheese omelette. For the calories and not the carbs. Then have my 3 packs on top.

So have one meal left today, might try the lemon cheesecake shake. Sounds revolting lol
That sounds good. So if u have egg and cheese for breakfast that's ok. Do u have to weigh the cheese ok. I agree a crumpe were the wrong thing to have I've been Hungary ever since and now fancy food for tea, but after reading your post I've made my mind up to have a pkt. What do u drink apart from water?
That sounds good. So if u have egg and cheese for breakfast that's ok. Do u have to weigh the cheese ok. I agree a crumpe were the wrong thing to have I've been Hungary ever since and now fancy food for tea, but after reading your post I've made my mind up to have a pkt. What do u drink apart from water?
Just drink tea and coffee. Diet cans have next to no calories and carbs too but I’m trying to drink more water, so avoiding them.

All the exante products are on myfitnesspal so you could use that if you wanted to track extras. But generally to stay in ketosis if you want extra food I’d recommend the lowest carb foods. Meat, eggs, cheese, green veg.

I want to stick with 3 packs a day for 2 weeks. But judging by the first 4 days, I may be better suited to the other plan that I can add a meal. Time will tell.

Going to have a sneaky weigh in tomorrow. Anyone else weighed them self yet?
Hi SPE, you're doing brilliantly! Very sensible to adapt the diet when you're clearly so very active. First week is the worst - in no time you'll be into your second week and then the third, and you'll really be notching up big losses. That's what really helps me.
Day 5
8lbs down this morning, can you believe it. Hoping to reach 10lbs within the full week now. My original target was 5lbs lol

Obviously I don’t look any different yet. I’m still obese but look at my stomach. No bloat, just fat. But it already looks flatter without the bloat. Happy so far.
Ps I’m not wearing that tight top out, it’s just a base layer for my baggy top lol


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Well done! I’m feeling less bloated too and it feels great. Hang onto the feeling in the tricky times. Goal here you come! Have a great day.
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Thanks @Whizaway

The longer I do exante and I know I’m only in Day 5....I can’t see it fitting in with my lifestyle. I’m too active for 600 calories. I think slowing down is pointless, as being active is a good thing. I 100% need to stick on it 2-3 weeks while I use my packs, I think a big loss will keep me motivated to continue. But long term I’m tempted to follow the plan that I have 2 shakes and a meal, or just a low carb plan.
But lets get through these first few weeks first. I work up starving but will in ketosis and have got lots of energy this morning. Feeling good. Strawberry shake done. Taken daughter to nursery and back, Just had a shower and now going to playgroup with me baby boy.
SPE I totally agree, I don’t know how anyone could do this for longer than a few weeks. You’re doing great! Keep it up! I’m on 6.5! The quick weight loss is motivating though!

I am a bit worried about the really low calories, I went to the gym yesterday and really struggled! If I’m in Ketosis then I’m ok with the low calories but if I’m not then I’m pretty much just starving myself! Anyone else thinking like this?
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SPE I totally agree, I don’t know how anyone could do this for longer than a few weeks. You’re doing great! Keep it up! I’m on 6.5! The quick weight loss is motivating though!

I am a bit worried about the really low calories, I went to the gym yesterday and really struggled! If I’m in Ketosis then I’m ok with the low calories but if I’m not then I’m pretty much just starving myself! Anyone else thinking like this?
I think going to the gym is dangerous on such low calories personally, I felt faint just walking too much yesterday. I don’t know if the body is in shock this early on?