63stone teen cut from house, stranded in bed

I guess, for me, I see these people as the extreme end of a spectrum that I am on. I know that some people can't be helped, but I still find it heartbreaking to watch. I have eaten many a sausage roll whilst "trying" to loose weight. I have a problem with food that has gained me 4st. They have the same problem with food that has gained them X number of stones. Oh flip I have just upset my self :(
I can't understand how people can afford the food drink etc,they must be in benefits,also the people who shop and cook for them mudt see the damage they are doing.
Yes, she probably is on benefits, but really is that the issue here? She has NO life to speak of, which is the one thing disability benefits are supposed to help enhance. She can probably afford it on the basis that she never goes anywhere, never does anything, and basically sits in her room on the internet for the WHOLE of her life, just rotting away, because shes so big now that she has no choice in the matter. Her life must be hell on earth.

It is all well and good us all sitting here pontificating on this girl and how it ended up that she ended up this way, but the reality is, if we weren't here, doing what we do, to make OUR lives better, then maybe we could have ended up in exactly the same boat.

All being well, she will recover, and hopefully this will be a turning point for her, she may reach out for help. As she uses the internet, it is not unreasonable that she might end up here at some point, looking for moral support. This is, after all, what this forum is all about, supporting one another with their weight loss goals. I hope she does, and on that off chance, I think it would be great if people could just see her as a human being that has lost her way and is in a very bad state, rather than us sitting here analysing all the things that may or may not have led her to this point which must have been horrible for her, but could just be the one thing that ultimately ends up saving her life.
I really identify with her. Before I restarted SW I felt totally out of control, just eating and eating, not even really enjoying it just doing it for eating sake. Obviously I'm not 63 stone and still work full time but I have/had no life. Go to work, come home and eat, go to bed, then get up and go to work. I'm only 21 and I haven't seen some of my friends in over a year.

I don't know her situation or her parents so I don't wanna speculate, but I never blamed my parents. I choose what I put in my body. They can be as supportive/encouraging all day long and I still would have had a bag of crisps. It's a complete addiction. So *if* her parents are buying fish and chips, and having crap in the house, I understand why she can't help herself. I'm the same! If it's in the house, I eat it. Even if I hate myself with every mouthful. (It honestly sounds so ridiculous, it's hard to explain!) I'm lucky that my family are very supportive and don't buy it.

I honestly feel like every day is a struggle on sw, a constant battle to stay committed, to say no to all the naughty foods. Because I feel like I hit rock bottom, and now I'm clawing my way back up to having a life. Because that's all I really want! To be healthy and have a life.

I really hope she gets the help she needs. My heart breaks for her.
Claire, nothing you said sounds ridiculous. It was a very brave and honest account of how it feels for you. I think that MLM is right, this is a support forum and that support is for everyone regardless of their size/ situation. I hope I would never come across as judgmental about weight. I am sure I am not alone when I say that I have felt judged by others for my weight all of my adult life ( not here:) )
I really identify with her. Before I restarted SW I felt totally out of control, just eating and eating, not even really enjoying it just doing it for eating sake. Obviously I'm not 63 stone and still work full time but I have/had no life. Go to work, come home and eat, go to bed, then get up and go to work. I'm only 21 and I haven't seen some of my friends in over a year.

I don't know her situation or her parents so I don't wanna speculate, but I never blamed my parents. I choose what I put in my body. They can be as supportive/encouraging all day long and I still would have had a bag of crisps. It's a complete addiction. So *if* her parents are buying fish and chips, and having crap in the house, I understand why she can't help herself. I'm the same! If it's in the house, I eat it. Even if I hate myself with every mouthful. (It honestly sounds so ridiculous, it's hard to explain!) I'm lucky that my family are very supportive and don't buy it.

I honestly feel like every day is a struggle on sw, a constant battle to stay committed, to say no to all the naughty foods. Because I feel like I hit rock bottom, and now I'm clawing my way back up to having a life. Because that's all I really want! To be healthy and have a life.

I really hope she gets the help she needs. My heart breaks for her.

I truly admire your total honesty and understand 100% what you are saying.

I too have just gone through a period of eating and not really enjoying it whilst knowing how well I feel on SW. Sheer stupidity on my part.

Fortunately you have had the gumption to do something about it with the support of your family. You come across as being a thoroughly nice and compassionate young person. I hope you succeed.

Gill (MLM) is 100% right in what she said about this being a support website.

We are so lucky on here because the support we receive is fantastic.
I truly admire your total honesty and understand 100% what you are saying.

I too have just gone through a period of eating and not really enjoying it whilst knowing how well I feel on SW. Sheer stupidity on my part.

Fortunately you have had the gumption to do something about it with the support of your family. You come across as being a thoroughly nice and compassionate young person. I hope you succeed.

Gill (MLM) is 100% right in what she said about this being a support website.

We are so lucky on here because the support we receive is fantastic.

Thank you. I honestly don't know what I'd do without the support here!
I thought you might like an update .

I have not been able to forget this poor girl who is so young and in such a state..................................
Georgia is currently in hospital in Merthyr Tydfil, where she is being treated for complications linked to her weight including diabetes, kidney failure and problems with her spine.
She is due to undergo tests this week to help doctors prepare her future care.

We can only hope that she makes a full recovery .

I thank my lucky stars I have been blessed with that thing called pride, a sin I know , but thank goodness for it because as MLM said , there but for the grace of God !!!!
Instead of paying for all this, surely it would be cheaper for the NHS to do a gastric band or something
If she is being treated for the complications described, any operation could be very risky. This poor kid's life is in danger :( it really makes me sad.
Indeed - she is in NO state for gastric band or any other sort of surgery at this point in time. And really, is that going to fix her problems? She needs, in my opinion, to NOT live at home, but to have support and care to get her weight back down again UNTIL she is able to take care of herself, with a good package of educational care and support. This is it for her, she REALLY needs, if she can, to take this opportunity to turn things around for herself. You can't keep doing this to your body and expect it to cope. Hopefully this will be, as I have said before, a turning point for her.
She is due to undergo tests this week to help doctors prepare her future care.

"care" being the operative word there. They don't seem to have managed that in the past, whether its a physical, mental, or emotional problem, if they cared enough she would never had got to 63st to begin with. As someone said way back in the thread, undereaters get help straight off.
"care" being the operative word there. They don't seem to have managed that in the past, whether its a physical, mental, or emotional problem, if they cared enough she would never had got to 63st to begin with. As someone said way back in the thread, undereaters get help straight off.

She HAS had care, shes been seeing doctors, shes got a consultant, she was put on an extreme diet very recently which she refused to stick to. She HAS been getting care, shes chosen not to take it.
She HAS had care, shes been seeing doctors, shes got a consultant, she was put on an extreme diet very recently which she refused to stick to. She HAS been getting care, shes chosen not to take it.

yeah true, it just makes me think she hasn't had the right care. They might have put her on diets, but when you get a 5 stone anorexic person they are helped a lot more, they don't get told to eat more and send home expecting them to do just that. Obviously it has to work from both sides, can't be helped unless she wants it, but i still think there is more they can do than what they are.
I dont see how they CAN do more, theyre giving her support, theyre putting her on diets, theyre trying their damndest to help her - shes chosing to ignore that. Until such time as she wakes up to the fact shes going to kill herself (and probably soon) theres nothing anyone can do. Bottom line is she doesnt want to help herself. difference being with an anorexic they can hospitalise people and force feed them, they cant stop her eating. If she has doctors trying to work with her and shes not interested their hands are tied. Oddly enough in several articles about her she seems to think the world owes her something and she should be getting help... yet when she does she throws it back.

Ive seen loads of posts over the years on here from people whos lightbulb moment has been things like breaking a chair, getting put off a ride at a fair, getting stuck somewhere, and the sheer embarasment has been all they needed to kick start their diet. If 100 people at your house, dismantling it to get you out, causing £100k damage and a £200k repair bill isnt the wake up call she needs then I cant honestly see anything working :(
Yeah, but at that age, you still think you are immortal and nothing can touch you. I cant imagine for a second there is anyone here who hasnt found it hard to stick to a "diet" at some point, or who never ever fell off the wagon even though they knew full well that it was doing them no good to do so, indeed, being told that you have to do this or die is just an extra additional pressure and trigger to rebel. Combine that with a mother who it appears admits to continuing to feed her crap ON PURPOSE, and being labelled the fattest teenager in the country - none of us can even BEGIN to know how that has affected her or her self-esteem or how psychologically damaging that has been.

We none of us can ever say we have walked in her shoes so cannot possibly begin to imagine what her situation is or how she deals with stuff. If I can be blunt, if I was her, and I dont say this lightly - I would probably have killed myself by now. I wouldnt have had the mental strength to get up and face the day. I know this. Going what she has been through, and so publically - would have killed me.

Maybe this is her way of doing exactly that. :(
MadameLaMinx said:
I cant help but think there but for the grace of... *insert higher power of your choice here* go I.

Assuming that it is 3 years that she has put all the "new" weight on, that is 45 stone over the three years. Assuming it takes 3500 calories to put on a pound, over the three years that is an additional 2,205,000 calories on top of what she actually needs. Which sounds like a massive amount...


If you actually break that down, divide it by 3 for the number of years and 365 for the number of days in that year - what it actually works out to is 2013 kcals a day excess. So realistically, shes been eating twice what she needs to eat, but a multipack of yorkies and a couple of butties extra a day would cover that no bother.

Like I say, there but for the grace of...

Very well put minx! This could have easily been me someday.
Havent read whole thread but have seen the article. She has so many excuses its unreal - her dad dying, stepdad getting lung cancer, splitting with a boyfriend, nhs for not helping enough. Never her fault. And as for her mother....someone allowed her to get to that size (she was overweight from a very young age) and someone is allowing her to still eat like she does (she cant get out of the house so who is bringing the food in?)

Sorry to say that I dont believe she will ever change
This is just one girl, there are teenagers out there killing themselves with drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Why does no one blame their parents, or their doctors etc?

I think the real issue is that NO child should be forced to become carers for their parents, I'm sorry If that offends but it's my opinion that children should not have to run a house, perform personal care etc gosh I would be depressed too if I were her! And look she has escaped... By making herself physically incapable of continuing to do so..
Havent read whole thread but have seen the article. She has so many excuses its unreal - her dad dying, stepdad getting lung cancer, splitting with a boyfriend, nhs for not helping enough. Never her fault. And as for her mother....someone allowed her to get to that size (she was overweight from a very young age) and someone is allowing her to still eat like she does (she cant get out of the house so who is bringing the food in?)

Sorry to say that I dont believe she will ever change

Thats a hell of a lot for a young girl to deal with. By the time I was her age, I had been through the upheaval of three parental divorces, the loss of three of my grandparents, two of them ten days apart, one a few months later, and I was about to become a single parent. Fast forward a couple more years, I was a few stone heavier still, and a rape survivor on top of that. It took me to the age of 30 before I was forced to make a change, due to infertility issues, even that didn't stick, and it is only really the last couple of years that I have become able to manage my weight properly and effectively, and make a long term and permanent (hopefully) change, but I can never rest on my laurels. I am, despite all of the above, relatively well educated, but that did not stop me falling foul of the comfort eating trap that so many deeply unhappy people use to escape their lives.

If I can change, then there is hope for everyone. The key is realising that what you are doing is not working for you, and that takes maturity and being able to step outside your situation and see it with a fresh perspective. When you are trapped inside it, it does seem bleak and hopeless and like there is no point trying, because it takes effort, and you don't have the energy for making an effort.

I am not posting the above for validation, or to make excuses, simply to highlight that everyone is capable of change, if they want it bad enough. Hopefully now, she will get the help she needs, and realise that there is another path.