Silver Member
Have to say I am quite surprised by this thread. I would have thought that those of us with a weight problem understand only too well how miserable weight can make a person feel and how they can get stuck in the cycle of comfort eating because they feel so awful about their weight. We are all lucky because we have had that 'I can't go on like this anymore' moment.' It doesn't automatically happen at any particular weight as can be seen by the different range of targets and weight losses on this thread. I think it is dangerous to have the smug 'oh how could she possibly let herself get like that' attitude because it just might be that some terrible trauma happens in our life that takes us off the weight loss path and makes us gain and gain even more. Perhaps our collective attitude should be 'there but for the grace of god go I'. That said I wish all of us the very best in our weight loss efforts and let's be thankful that we've support on here and from our nearest and dearest to help us get there xx