Thank you I still can't believe how much I've changed-still long way to goWell after 4 weeks holiday I have lost 7lb woo-should have been a lot higher and still not reversed my last gain but I'm back in the 16's whoop whoop, going to keep hitting it hard this week and see what happens! Hope everyone has a great week x
Well done on the loss, that's great - good luck for next week x
In a world of pain right now, hopefully in a good way and it will all be worth it next week lol. Only an hour gym session and bootcamp to go before a well earned rest day on sunday-eeekk! Food prepped for tomorrow which will be: Breakfast: 3 x primal muffins Hazelnuts (heb) Satsuma Snack: 3 x satsuma Lunch: Soup Orange pepper Cherry tomatoes Snack: Apple Tea: Beef stew Veg pack Quinoa Snack: 2 x small bananas Feeling positive for a good weekend, just hope I stay focused, stick to my plan and actually manage to complete the exercise ha. Have a good onex
Menu looks yummy, keep up the good work x