I was talking to my consultant last week and she mentioned that they have to pay for training when it comes up and she can't always afford to do every round of training that they issue, so she has to just select those most appropriate when she can afford it - and consequently, she admits there might be things that are new she isn't totally familiar with. But she does know the 'old' plan inside out, back to front! And she said it worked pretty damn well back then...
Anyway I digress. I would be really surprised if a consultant told me I could eat 6 extra syns instead of a healthy extra!
Fuffs, I first done sw 21 years ago!! when there were no free yogs, limited free fruit, as much mac. cheese as you could eat and corned beef was free!
As you say, there's been a lot of changes over the years, and they're all good changes! (still waiting for choc. to become a free food tho'!!!)
Same here hun, if you hear about it before me let me know LOL. xxxlol!!!
I am also waiting for choc to be a free food. superfree would be even better lol
I will type on here as I fill 1/3 of my plate with dairy milk lol
Can we use the milk in a dairy milk as an hex a?lol
Sorry people, I am in a crazy mood lol
We like your way of thinking. lol. xxxThe milk from the chocolate can be counted as an 'a' choice and isn't the cocoa bean a vegetable? There you go, we've found ourselves another free food!!!