A bit late to the game

Didn't manage this evening but it was sleety rain. Bah.
stupid weather!!! Bring on some sunshine!!!!
hey it was slippy :p! It's not really reasonable to go walking in sleety rain, unless you're a complete mentalist or a dog owner (or both). Got out tonight though. Quite dry although you could see the ice starting to sparkle on the path.

I'm aiming for a minimum of 5 -35 min walks a week. Ideally every day of course.
Even more excuses :D

Glad you got out tonight, it does make you feel better doesn't it. Sounds like a good plan, can't believe how bad the weather has been lately, makes it harder to be motivated.

Hope the rest of your day has been good.
Well I feel good because I've done my duty, but I really get no pleasure from exercise. I know it's supposed to release happy endorphines or some such but it doesn't seem to work for me.

Work not so busy today so yep. Apparently we took a record number of phone calls on Monday. 1499. Our previous record was 700 odd.

Hope it's going okay for you too :D
I'm with you on the exercise, I don't enjoy it, but I am pleased with myself when i've done it, and I'm starting to see it as a way to help with my weight loss rather than a chore!! Happy endorphins would be great, but think chocolate is the only thing that does for me!!!

What do you do at work? Sounds like an unreal amount of calls, glad today was quieter for you..

Am going to walk the dog now :chores016:
Well I personally didn't deal with that amount of calls, it was the office total :D
I'm in total agreement about the exercise. I've had a go at just about everything and have yet to experience my first endorphin! Hey-ho, its got to be endured I suppose.
well the week ended a lot better than it started.

Weigh in today 17.1 so a loss of 2lbs and I'm now just out of the clinically obese category into the plain ole obese one. Yay! :bliss:
Well done PK.
Hey becca

Everything fine, Mondays are just bad days i think. Slept in (not sure if my alarm didn't go off or I actually switched off while still asleep). Wasn't technically late for work anyway, then busy busy.

Oh and then when I was going to put on my coat I wear for my walks, discovered bird poop on the hood. Fortunately I have another coat and I did go out for my walk :)

So diet wise a good day! How about you?
Not a good day then, but glad you were good on your diet!!!

Well done for going for a walk too, you seem really focus.

Have a good day!!

I'm taking Ella swimming for her lesson and then I'm starting work at 430 - ho hum
Hope you enjoyed your swim Becca :)

Skipping the walk tonight, it's raining - but quite a low calorie day anyway.

I'm actually going to agree that you shouldn't go for a walk for a change!! Only because I haven't done anything today as having a "rest" day!!!

Hope you had a good day :)
Not bad, today going okay so far as well

Tonight is our pub quiz night so definitely going for a walk this evening. :)