Busy busy busy!!
OMG....I'd be sooo scared to meet some man off the internet...Really admire those of you who can though!!!
In fact Kazz you can get to "know them" better than a normal date. My friend use to be scared for me - but by the time I went to meet them I'd have read all about them on a site (one where they have to pay to join - so then the site has their credit card details), emailed them and have an email addy for them, msned them, spoken to them on the 'phone and use to ask for mobile and landline ..... never trusted those who were in the middle of moving so didn't have a landline excuse (usually meant they were married!!!) and finally before the date went ahead - always at a place of my chosing - I'd ask for car details and reg no. I know that even with all of this, there are still pervs out there - so my mate always had all the details and would ring me every now and then to check I was ok. I was out with same friend in a pub one night - and got chatting to a guy at the bar ... he asked for my number and said he'd like to take me out another night. My mate was made up that I'd met someone conventionally ........... But what did I know about "Mr conventional date"???? Nothing!!!!
Anyway the point is internet dating can be fun - and safe-ish if done sensibly. So go Kazz - with yr gorgeous new haircut!!! Only teasing by the way!!!