Only dissapointment there was seeing you'd been watching the cricket, bad girl. My evening last night was somewhat spoiled by the mother of a random cricketer ringing to complain that someone swore in the spectators at a match. Despite my assurance that OH would be in touch that wasn't good enough and she berated me soundly as being hard hearted and uninterested ...YES right first time but it took me the best part of an hour to get rid of her and I only did so by puting the phone down Bad M!!
Hopefully you will have a more restful weekend after all that packing.
Take care
A small cone with flake from McDs is 4 points, so you're probably looking at about 6![]()
Hey chicken
How are you today? Hope you've had a fab day today!
I'm just going to go for a walk and get some steps added up hee hee
much love
Evening Lovely
Hope you are ok xx
Hope you are having a good monday
mr whippy :drool:
that sounds divine.. shame our ice cream van came earlier when the idea of food was making me sick! (i say shame, maybe its a blessing with WI in the morning)
Well done on your loss chick! That's fabby, you're doing fabalusly!
Your menu looks really yummy too! Think I'm going to nip to Tesco and get some meringue nests.
Hope you have a lovely evening
Hi Saski
Thats fabtastic my lovely - well done you xx