Up for the challenge
i think interview is different depending on the institution you're at, but I know Primary is much more competitive so i wouldn't be surprised if it were a much harder / complex process at interview anyway (sorry!). I kept up to date with all the educational goings on through bbc news and guardian, read up on TES, and "prepared" answers for general interview questions (i just googled PGCE interview q's), as well as preparing a few questions to ask about the course etc to show my interest in it. I also read up on Sunderland's background of ITT so i knew i wouldnt look like an idiot if i enthused a bit about how much i wanted to train with them because of their teacher training record or something..
sorry i'm not much help!![]()
Morning Rach. Not at all you are lots of help. That's basically what i've been doing too along with my presentation so hopefully i am on the right line. Thank you for my help chickadee. I'm sure if i just work really hard the next few days it'll be okay. Hope you are having a good day and good luck for WI xxx
You sound really ready for th einterview and I'm confident you will knock them dead. Keeping it all crossed for you
Morning M. Thank you so much!
I hope you are having a lovely day. xxx
Idont envy you sas with all this interview lark,sounds v invoved & complicated!
But im sure you will breeze through it.
Good luck for weigh in today! xxx
Morning charly!! Thank you very much. I don't think anyone really enjoys interviews but it will be worth it if i get a place then i can relax a bit. Hope you are having a great day. xxx