Well done on all the activity points! Hope you have a good day today!xx
Was i counting right? you were still up & posting at about 1-2am?
Definately showing my age now im firmly tucked up in bed by 10.30pm cant keep my eyes open any longerx
Haha me too - although it's 10pm for me ... but I do get up at 6am every day
Sask - how many hours do you need a night then??
I want to see Wicked too ... although havne't seen Les Mis ... no excuse living in London (well I did) but have seen a few - just not for ages.
rabbitting on now - soo i'll be offski
Have a great week
Oh we should def have a minis theatre trip, that would be awesomeI so want to see les mis. Am going to see Hairspray again in May in Glasgow with mummy and sisterbear, cannot wait
Hope you're having a lovely day
Jeez Twiggs I don't know how you manage to get up at 6am I'm so bad I struggle to get up for 7.45 lol
Morning Sas
Just stopping by to say hello.
Hope you are ok.
Have a great weekend x
Hey sas how's it going hun? X
Brilliant news sas im happy AND worried for you...teaching? now i couldnt do that in a million years, all those horrible kids
But i suppose someone has to do it! x
Fantastic news!!! What age group are you going to be working with? I work with 4-7 yo's (1:1 special needs TA) and its just about the most rewarding job in the world! Hope you're having a fab weekend xxxGood afternoon my beauties. I'm sorry i have been away for a couple of days it has been manic. I finally got my CRB check back and have been in school the last couple of days. It's been really amazing so i'm so glad i decided to go in for teaching.
I GOT A PLACE ON MY PGCE!YAY! I found out last night. Very excited i can't wait a lot of the pressure that was on me has gone. I was so worried i wouldn't get on so i'm pleased as punch. Thank you so much for all of your support. You have all been fabulous. I am off to catch up on some diaries.
Lots of love xxxxx
Have a great evening Saski xx
yAY - Well done you xx
Have a great evening !
congrats Sas i'm so pleased for youxxx
Fantastic news!!! What age group are you going to be working with? I work with 4-7 yo's (1:1 special needs TA) and its just about the most rewarding job in the world! Hope you're having a fab weekend xxx
Morning Sas
Hope you are having a great weekend x
Good luck for weigh in & enjoy celebrating your anniversary!x
Hi hun
I know I text but just wasnt to say congrats again on getting your place
Have a lovely day