Hi Sarah,
It didnt go well, after receiving what I thought was a personal invite in the post turns out theres no rrom for me in my area.
I did wonder if it was my age im only just 25 mayb they thought I wouldnt put the time and effort in. Saddest thing was id already started roping people into my dream.
They said theyd keep me on file if they needed someone but I have a slightly bitter taste now since I thought I was being invited for a reason.
Hi Vicki
Did you not ask them for more feedback, as I thought if you were willing to run a group they would find an area for you? My understanding from the ops event was that if there is a group in your area, you may get given a different area.
I would ask for more info from the people who said 'no' - as I guess your consultant sent you along with best intentions.
Hope you get to the bottom of it hun - and don't give up totally xx