Does it cost alot for your venues or is this factored into the percentages they take etc .. I'd love to do it but with work could only do one class a week more as a hobby but I would not want to lose money !!
Hi Hannah
I went to my ops event on 21st September but my start date was put back as the other new consultants in my area were struggling to attend the training and promote right on the Christmas period, so we all agreed to go for end of January opening instead! It's all pretty flexible.
I think you could be up and running within a few months really, it depends on how quickly you get a venue and if the times/days you can do a group fit in with the rest of your patch.
Good luck if you decide to go for it!
wow! youve done well with the leaflets!
It was a lovely day yesterday but i only got about 300 out.
Feeling a bit over loaded with stuff to do and sort out ready for opening!
Thank you. Ideally I wanted to do it before my eldest goes to school (Sept 2014!) but last week at group the District Manager was there and she strongly recommended that I went. So I thought I'd go along now and see what it's all about. It's something I've wanted to do for the past 6 years. I had a full time job in London and I'm now a full time Mummy of 2 so I thought this would be a good time.
It's sounds quite full on, but I love things being a bit hectic! That's where my adrenalin kicks in!
That's a brilliant idea with weighing the leaflets! Good Luck with your first opening night x
Thanks Hannah, if you love hectic then you'll love this lol, I'm just hoping that it settles a bit after opening night, the 15 days leading up to when you go into group are all about promotions, promotions and more promotions, I permanently have cards, leaflets, posters in my handbag now, they go everywhere with me, I've pimped my car so that its a mobile Slimming World advertisement too, the things you do eh? Lol x
Probably a silly question, but what would you suggest wearing to the op event?
I was thinking exactly the same thing!! I think it is smart casual. I think I'm going to wear a black shirt dress. How about you? x
I was planning on wearing a navy blue dress and tights, but its going to be freezing... think I might just stick with that, as if it is smart then that dress will still look nice but it also won't look out of place if everyone is casual.... or I suppose my other option is black jeans and a shirt :/
I think the dress sounds better. I'm going to wear tights and possibly tan boots with mine. We'll probably be the only ones in dresses!
Yeah I'll stick with the dress, might wear tights and leggings as an extra layer lol. thinking just black boots as I have some nice ankle ones, I need to buy more boots or get the ones I have rehealed at least.
Another question, but do they put nibbles out?
We might not have chance to eat before I go to mine so it'll be a late tea, just wondered if I should take some snacks or not?
There weren't any nibbles but my event was in the evening.
I am embarrassed to say that I wore jeans and a smart top to the event ~hangs head in shame> I thought it was going to be like an open evening thing but it was sat around a table in a meeting room. Everyone was dressed in business attire, dresses, suit trousers and blouses etc. didn't do me any harm in the end though!
I got all the info I needed, came out knowing exactly what is involved, it was very informative.
At the end of the event you get to say if its not for you, you're interested in the future or you want to take it forward now. If you want to pursue it you will receive a telephone interview, if you pass you'll get invited to a formal interview and then if successful get offered a consultant position.
Hope that helps x
Thankyou that's loads of help.
Might not be able to make it to mine now, apparently we're going to have loads of snow and its advisable not to travel and I was going to travel to it, I suppose I'll just have to keep an ear out for the next one near me as I was actually travelling to the next town for this one.![]()