A diary of a slimming world consultant

My team leader has confirmed to me that rent is payable before you take your commission. Don't know whether this is a new thing or if it varies by region. Obviously makes a big difference to your take home!

Rent does come off first, fir everyone, so 40 members at 4.95 is £200. Less rent of £30 (for example) leaves £170. 40% is £72. It's still not a great lot for 12-15 hours a week.
Obviously you can earn a lot more, the most I earned was 250 but it all averaged out at around £100 a week for 50+ members. It's still not a lot when you take out adverts, travel, other expenses.
Hello all you consultants and budding consultants - could I ask a question please??

A fellow minis member/friend got to target last week (whoop), she was going to give this week a miss but her Consultant asked her to attend to help with new joiners signing up, she went along to help intending not doing a WI, her Consultant told her if she attended she HAD TO weigh!! is this the case as he asked her to go and help?? could she have gone along sat in on IT and not weighed

Thanks guys and gals xx
hi Texty you don't have to weigh every week as a target member I do the pay at my group and I weigh once or twice a month, but as I have found out since I have been a consultant, some consultants are a law unto themselves! As a target member it won't make a difference to the final tally as target members don't count.
hi Texty you don't have to weigh every week as a target member I do the pay at my group and I weigh once or twice a month, but as I have found out since I have been a consultant, some consultants are a law unto themselves! As a target member it won't make a difference to the final tally as target members don't count.

Thanks Caretaker - it appears so, but Ive been told the slim for life book (hoping to get this on Weds myself lol) states that if you attend group you MUST weigh!! I shall pass on your reply to the lady involved hun thanks
Thanks Caretaker - it appears so, but Ive been told the slim for life book (hoping to get this on Weds myself lol) states that if you attend group you MUST weigh!! I shall pass on your reply to the lady involved hun thanks

Hi Texty. Here's the extract from the slim for life book. First column, last paragraph in bold.


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Rent does come off first, fir everyone, so 40 members at 4.95 is £200. Less rent of £30 (for example) leaves £170. 40% is £72. It's still not a great lot for 12-15 hours a week.
Obviously you can earn a lot more, the most I earned was 250 but it all averaged out at around £100 a week for 50+ members. It's still not a lot when you take out adverts, travel, other expenses.

Thanks again.
I'm still in a massive quandary! £72 is ok to me for the flexibility it offers. But on the other hand don't want to be slogging my guts out for peanuts. Maybe should just wait for the interview. Is all hypothetical at the moment after all :)
Hi to you new ladies who are thinking of joining SW, I am half way through my 15 day promotion, relaunch my group next Monday. Been a long tiring day leafleting today, still loads of posters to get out but am hoping to be full steam ahead this week as am off work. (Work 3 days elsewhere) lots to think about, I was constantly changing my mind too! Am hoping all this promotion pays off, will let you know next week! x
Hi new to this thread I'm thinking of becoming a sw consultant. Where can I find out about open days thanks in advancein advance
What do you need to know mate?
Hi to you new ladies who are thinking of joining SW, I am half way through my 15 day promotion, relaunch my group next Monday. Been a long tiring day leafleting today, still loads of posters to get out but am hoping to be full steam ahead this week as am off work. (Work 3 days elsewhere) lots to think about, I was constantly changing my mind too! Am hoping all this promotion pays off, will let you know next week! x

Good luck Dawnydeedee....will be waiting to hear how it goes for you :)
Had my relaunch night last night, 11 new members, pretty good for a bank holiday! Was very nervous all day but as soon as I got started was fine. Second session went much easier. :)
Mammamia, good luck for your interview, I was asked what I like/don't like about my other job, situations where overcome something, things like that. No trick questions, just trying to get to know you and how you would deal with things type questions. Just be yourself x
I havent posted for ages! Congratulations dawnydeedee! I launch my group on saturday and hoping after all my promotion it goes well. How is everyone else doing? X
I decided to go for the consultant opportunity and passed my interview...woo hoo! Pre training tomorrow and head to Derby next weekend, I am so overly excited :)