sorry it's been hectic or else I would have replied sooner. Well I've done the job before with WW so I know a lot of what is involved really although SW is a different company and has a different way of doing things. I had read every page of this thread before I went to the OP event so really everything was a repeat from here I found. I guess the main thing I wanted to find out was the exact cost of a franchise/s and what we got for it! I have my interview on Tuesday so I will see if I get accepted. But if I do I think I will go for a double franchise which would consist of taking over an existing group (the one I'm currently going to myself which is a double session group) and opening a new one. It definitely consists of a lot more hours working than they claim...I honestly think if you do a 48 hour week then it would be too much to take SW on as well. To make any money out of it you need to make SW your career...anything less than that would mean it's a very expensive hobby. If you want to help people then be on the social team and attend every meeting and interact with the members. It's a lot less costly in the long run

Thats only my opinion of course...but I honestly know it is a lot more work than it seems. Then again, it's a very rewarding's so nice when someone says their life has changed for the better and you have played a part in that. It's all decisions, decisions. I love SW and the food optimising, I love being part of the group, I love helping other people in any way I can to feel better...but I don't want to lose money either. I have the time and the ambition to do long as I don't lose money in trying to achieve a career. Are you going to go for it Xiana? Is your interview Tuesday too?