Have spent the best part of today reading this thread and love how informative it has been.
I have been a member of slimming world a few times, last time i lost 5 stone but due to a medical problem which led to an operation i ended up banging 2 stone back on, so i re-joined again just before xmas to start off the slimming journey again.
I went to an ops event a couple of years ago but felt i needed to get to target before persuing the idea of becoming a consultant any further, obviously with the medical problem cropping up i never did reach that target, however i'm back on it now and doing well.
I was considering attending the ops event again just to refresh my mind on everything but really feel that becoming a SW consultant is the right direction for me to be heading in, i know its A LOT of hard work (especially after reading this thread) I love the diet, already run an online (fb) slimming group with 128 members and growing so am offering support to others already and of course rave about the diet to family and friends and just about anyone who will listen.
However there's something stopping me taking the plunge... im not at target and i'm about 3 stone away from my target, i don't know whether to wait till i'm nearer my target or take the plunge and work towards my target within my own group, as well as the obvious worries about not getting the numbers through the doors e.t.c my main concern is that im not yet at my target, does this matter? im of the frame of mind that i would be a bit put out if the consultant standing there preaching to me about how good this diet is was herself a large person (size18)... just wondering on peoples thoughts about this?
Im also a social team member of my group that i attend now so know pretty well how the group works/runs
any other advice you can give would obviously be gratefully recieved