Silver Member
Well done are u still on 25% then?
I'm fast learning about all the figures that come into play when your group is looked at.
I had a quick session with my team developer about the planning for success document on Friday and know it will be done in a lot more detail on my day 3 & 4 training next week but woah!!!!! Figures don't really phase me, I've got quite a good brain for maths but this seemed pretty tricky (hopefully after training it will make more sense)
There are lots of circles, diagonal lines and squares to fill in, they include figures on average weight loss for the group, number and % staying to group, retention is the number of members who come back each week, 85%+ is what's aimed for, lower than 75% is time for action. I can't get my head around it all just now I'm hoping the training next week does it.
My second week of group went well, I had another 6 new members taking me up to 22 members in total now (21 new and I had 1 transfer in from another group) I had my consultant development visit feedback which was all ok with just a few minor things to work on, so I'm just going to do my best.
Well done are u still on 25% then?
I forgot up say my members are lovely, they really are, it's all female at the moment and varied ages from 19-78 I'm getting to know more about them and why they have joined and they are really appreciative if the efforts I make to support them.
We had a real giggle in group last week and lots of confessions about wine but it was all good![]()
hi, you will hit the next stage when youve had 150 through the door altogether so say you get up to 40 per class in the next couple of weeks then you might not have to wait for 6 weeks![]()
We had nearly 80 through the door at our lunchtime group yesterday. We were so busy on the social team! phew
Gutted. Was doing some postering, leafleting and free magazines in hairdressers etc. Went to the sure start centre to leave some leaflets; which I've done before ; now not allowed
because I'm 'earning 'money.
That's a joke, I paid the franchise fee to help other people, and my earnings were less than £12 last week!
Any ideas girls how to get a few more new members? I'm working really hard at this and I love it. Got some ideas for the new 6 wk weight loss challenge, going to try the local schools pta and offer to raise funds for them.
What else could I do?
Ps, I tie my banner to my car outside venue, have a frame outside a newsagents on a busy path, posters in local shops, mags and leaflets in hairsdressers, (8) 2 wedding shops, green grocers, posters in 2 newsagents, cake shop 2 cafes. Have done community event at local nursery, posters on my bike!
Still can't get that elusive 25.................
Am definitely going to an opportunity event this Sunday (17th)
Can't wait!