Proud Mummy
ThanksLooking good Dougal x
I need to get my size 16 jeans on and take a pic, not sure I can wait until hubby gets home!!
ThanksLooking good Dougal x
Hi ya , cos I'm gonna be a lot later please don't get annoyed if I ask questions lol ; ) .... How many nights is it at the hotel ??? As I've heard people saying there going on a Thursday night so when does that mean we travel home xxx
Sorry blonde moment so be aware lol , right if it starts 9 am on Friday then I will go up on Thursday so when do we head back home as in what day ..... ( and there trusting me with people's weight losses lol ) xxx
£162 for my flights and have not even booked hotel yet :cry:
£162 for my flights and have not even booked hotel yet :cry:
yes about to lol and 3 nights in hotel :-( just checking it is Premier Inn Mansfield isnt it ?
my flight back is not until Sunday
149 for hotel lol i could go to spain for a few days instead lol off to ASda and will book flights when i get back , just waiting for other girl ro text me to confirm the times of flight back on sunday
I posted some tips and extras to think about earlier and it didn't post grrrrr!Will try later if I get chance
Anyway you will have a field support team for your area and a designated SW person in that team that looks after you for the first 6 weeks after you take over, the numbers are 01773 ones and will be given to you at your pre-training. It's nice to know someone is watching out for you they remind you to upload, download, check you got your stock etc make sure you pop in and say hello when you're on training, they love to meet you, they work shifts up to 10pm over 7 days a week so there is always someone in HO field support you can call x
I've just been out trying to do some extra promotions as my group numbers aren't picking up, I've scanned in a poster and printed 4 onto an A4 sheet, they are easier to get up I've found a lot of places aren't keen on A4 size (that's all you can order from SW) I got a small one up in a fish and chip shop and dropped a back copy of SW mag full of leaflets into the hairdressers. Have laminated posters and attached to fences in a playground near my venue and also stapled laminated A4 sized posted onto wooden sticks and placed in the grass along footpaths near my venue , I have got 10 out this afternoon. I have a SW monthly Team meeting tomorrow from 2.30-6pm so that's my weekend pretty much gone on SW stuff and its not even the Easter campaign yet, feel guilty as wont be spending much time with my boysbut that's the reality of being a consultant!
I'm so excited for you guys. I'm saving saving saving now. I'm worried about the interview though. I'm really not good with things like that. I'm also thinking of ways to get a credit score cause i have no credit historyx
I'm so excited for you guys. I'm saving saving saving now. I'm worried about the interview though. I'm really not good with things like that. I'm also thinking of ways to get a credit score cause i have no credit historyx
Dont worry about the interview, really its not like gioing for a "normal" job interview. They just want to make sure you are right for the job.
They ask you about your weight loss journey, favourite meals, what job you already do, have you encountered any difficulties at work you had to deal with, that sort of thing.
My advice is shine during group. Make the effort to talk to other members, give advice, be supportive all the things you would want from a consultant.
I am a regular poster on our facebook page, i have been labled the "Calming Balm" lol
Of all the things to worry about, the interview is not one of them xx
£162 for my flights and have not even booked hotel yet :cry:
149 for hotel lol i could go to spain for a few days instead lol off to ASda and will book flights when i get back , just waiting for other girl ro text me to confirm the times of flight back on sunday