A diary of a slimming world consultant

I have volunteered to leaflet drop for my consultant again, been doing it now for 2 years. Boy, I have a lot to deliver this time! And its cold too! I am very wary of woofey dogs now, and wont actually deliver when I hear or feel a dog the other side of the door as I got bitten last year! There is always a tale to tell every time I leafleteer. The last time I went flat on my face as I tripped up over uneven flagging on a drive. Some people are so rude though, one man said " errrr, do I look as if I need a stupid slimming club love, I dont think so. Shove this leaflet where the sun dont shine!" I didnt want him to think anyone to do with S W was unprofessional or rude, so I just smiled sweetly and said "ok thats fine, I'll just take back your leaflet for someone else, thank you. Have a nice day"!!!!!! (Thinking though, terrible thoughts) !!!!
I have volunteered to leaflet drop for my consultant again, been doing it now for 2 years. Boy, I have a lot to deliver this time! And its cold too! I am very wary of woofey dogs now, and wont actually deliver when I hear or feel a dog the other side of the door as I got bitten last year! There is always a tale to tell every time I leafleteer. The last time I went flat on my face as I tripped up over uneven flagging on a drive. Some people are so rude though, one man said " errrr, do I look as if I need a stupid slimming club love, I dont think so. Shove this leaflet where the sun dont shine!" I didnt want him to think anyone to do with S W was unprofessional or rude, so I just smiled sweetly and said "ok thats fine, I'll just take back your leaflet for someone else, thank you. Have a nice day"!!!!!! (Thinking though, terrible thoughts) !!!!

Some people are so rude! There's really no need for it! Remember a wooden spoon a flat one then fold the leaflet round that a shove it through the letterbox x
I always say that you might not need us, but perhaps you know someone who does. No need for rudeness ever!

Wooden spoon is essential!
Ah I wondered what the wooden spoon was for - sounds like that could be a good idea - might give it a go.

Jaylou I'm not a consultant, just helping out my consultant who has been doing the job for over a year now. I understood the rationale behind the Sunday/Bank Hol but just wondered if everyone always followed it ;) Naturally I will do it for her on the days specified but could have helped her a lot more if there weren't the restrictions as I've got a lot more spare time throughout the week but there's only so much of my Sundays that I'm willing to give up :)
Ah I wondered what the wooden spoon was for - sounds like that could be a good idea - might give it a go.

Jaylou I'm not a consultant, just helping out my consultant who has been doing the job for over a year now. I understood the rationale behind the Sunday/Bank Hol but just wondered if everyone always followed it ;) Naturally I will do it for her on the days specified but could have helped her a lot more if there weren't the restrictions as I've got a lot more spare time throughout the week but there's only so much of my Sundays that I'm willing to give up :)

That's why it's hard to get folks to help us, people don't want to give Sundays up and I don't blame them!!!
I had a lady join my group this week who had a leaflet 9 weeks ago when I did my very first launch promotions. It just goes to show sometimes it takes people a while to pluck up the courage to join!

Just did a new member support call to her and she's lovely, so i'm thrilled to be able to help her get to her goal, especially as it took her a while to walk through my door, bless :)
Hi girls I love reading this thread. If i'm not working im going to an opportunity event in knowsley on the 7th April. I wanted to be a consultant for a long time now but don't have a car or the money but thought if I go now then Its something I can put my mind to :)
Hi Baby Tree I also don't have my own car but I have a licence but SW just need you to have use of a car ( hence hubby will be my taxi !! He is now so he's more than used to it lol ) .... But it's really good to go to the opps event as it doesn't paint a rose tinted look at everything in fact there very honest in saying just how much work is involved which if you work full time you really need to consider ( I don't I'm a mum of 3 with a toddler and I stay at home ) .... It's also a great incentive to help save up the funds as apart from the license fee you need all the bits n bobs like files and kettles ( and it all adds up lol ) ..... But if your anything like me being a consultant has been a life long dream and nothing stopped me ... X
Hi Baby Tree I also don't have my own car but I have a licence but SW just need you to have use of a car ( hence hubby will be my taxi !! He is now so he's more than used to it lol ) .... But it's really good to go to the opps event as it doesn't paint a rose tinted look at everything in fact there very honest in saying just how much work is involved which if you work full time you really need to consider ( I don't I'm a mum of 3 with a toddler and I stay at home ) .... It's also a great incentive to help save up the funds as apart from the license fee you need all the bits n bobs like files and kettles ( and it all adds up lol ) ..... But if your anything like me being a consultant has been a life long dream and nothing stopped me ... X

yeah i have a license aswell, im hoping to go as i really want to see what its about :D yeah i feel with reading this thread i have a tiny idea of whats needed and can imagine the amount of work. I will not underestimate how hard it is to be a consultant :D
Do you have to be there for the whole 3-5.30 or is it a walk in thing? xx
No it's a presentation so you need to stay for the whole thing as they go through everything section by section and the different franchise fees ..... It's really informative , I went to mine back in January ( heavy heavy snow that day so my consultant went with me ) and then had my interview three weeks ago , I passed and am now waiting for a space in Stevenage so I can start training x
Some people are so rude! There's really no need for it! Remember a wooden spoon a flat one then fold the leaflet round that a shove it through the letterbox x

Well I did try the wooden spoon thing, but I became so cack handed with it with the leaflets, the bag, lifting the letterbox covers etc that I just found it quicker to go without. Perhaps thats why I got bitten!!!! And the last time I wore gloves as my hand became quite sore with all the shoving leaftlets through. I have been given 250 leaflets, so I will have done a lot of body magic. Hope hubby doesnt mind too much this Easter. Havent told him how many I have yet!!!
I am and I have a few more stone to lose so I'm not in any rush , plus I spend every Monday from 2-10 in club with Tony my consultant as I run the till ( and bloody shop if everyone goes off sick lol ) and so he's training me week by week in how to project my voice and new member talk when no one is around , even though I know the plan I get all fumbled when I describe it and as he's been a consultant for 10 years and is Gold it just rolls off his tongue lol x
Great tip on the spoon - I took an old spatula I had and it made much lighter work of getting them through the letter boxes (I remember several letter boxes were quite a pain last time when I did it all by hand). The only trouble was that on the second letter box my spatula went in but wouldn't come out again! When I gave it a yank the end of it came off and I was just left with the stick part :D Seemed to work much better after that though with just the stick!

194 leaflets done, out in the sun whilst listening to The Archers and The Now Show on Radio 4 - was a very pleasant couple of hours! I'm almost tempted to offer to deliver some more for my consultant but I'll give the legs a rest for now.
Encouraging people to sign up to work towards their awards, explaining how much activity a weeks they need to do.
speak to them when they bring their fit logs in, tick their names off the list when they've completed a week.
issue awards and write out certificates for the consultant to hand out in IT.
That's pretty much it, I have some hand outs on a table that I printed off the web about starting exercise and how to increase it gradually, how to make yourself more active in your day to day tasks etc etc.

Thanks Laura - do you have any SW specific 'list' to keep track of how many weeks they've completed? Our group just has a pad of lined paper than people scrawl on freehand (and the pages often get lost!), which doesn't seem to be too organised to me so I'm considering creating something for my C to use unless there's already something SW provide but perhaps she's not using.
I got some wooden spatulas in Asda for 39p each, they are moulded all in one so there are no heads to come off in letterboxes! I put my name and mobile number on them in case they get lost on the other side!

The pic is from when I did my launch promotions back in mid January, I did wonder about the 'I <3 SW' I wrote on them in case they went through the letterbox and someone in the house had the initials 'SW' heheh I think I over think things just a little bit x


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I'm in awe of you Purfectshun as that's a lot of bloody leaflets so well done , sorry if you already wrote it but are you training or already a consultant ... Yep I'm nosey lol x