Gold Member
Mini_Mog said:You are so good & disciplinedI had Chinese buffet again today and off out tomorrow night. Back on the wagon then. No plans in November so I want to get into maintaining and get some 'm's in my book!
You are doing really well. Slimmer of the month twice in a row is really fab. And slimmer of the weekx
Thanks MM! Must admit its following people like you maintaining targets that help to see things ARE achievable! Which is a massive motivation to know I am fighting a battle that can be won!
To be honest if the original plans stayed of going out clubbing I'd have happily had a blow out but they changed to staying in and cooking SW style with lots of alcohol to some people needing to be at work early so isn't much of a drinking session so figured why waste a big blow out on staying in, so here I am, the driver lol I do plan on a cheeky dessert and some crisps and dip! I'll flexi syn it and exercise this weekend to stay on target for a loss of any kind!
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