A Graceful Descent

Hello again ladies. Many apologies for my extended absence - hadn't realised how long I'd been gone!

Thank you all for the messages and posts and sorry I've not been catching up with anyone or posting as life has been a bit hectic.

I was away over Christmas and then January gets absolutely manic with work so I never have time to update things and everything goes out of the window a bit. I decided while I didn't have time to think about food to do a few weeks of Cambridge - not full blown as I was having a full meal in the evenings - and less for weight loss than for making sure my body was getting the nutrients it needed and I managed to lose the few poinds I gained at Christmas and a few extra.

All was going well until I then had my appointment with the new consultant in rheumatology about 4 weeks ago. Not quite sure if it's bad news or good in that I finally have a label I can tell people but basically he confirmed that I have lupus. It still seems a bit strange to actually put that put there in black & white and I'm not really sure how I feel about it to be honest - nothing has changed as obviously I already had it and have for some time and at least now I'm on treatment but at the same time the back of my head is aware that it can be a serious illness. As I put it to my mum the good news is I was right but the bad news is I was right!

At the moment I'm at the very mild end of it as far as damage to my system is concerned and the consultant intends to try and keep it that way. At this point I have been put on anti malarial drugs to try and suppress my immune system and I have been told that with the way I react to it I have to avoid the sun and wear factor 50+ sunscreen throughout march to October. I was kind of doing that anyway but hit and miss and only using it when I was sitting in the sun but I've now been told I have to take it far more seriously to avoid a flare up and apply everywhere every day whether I'm out or not and reapply regularly.

The new tablets are kicking my butt a bit and making me very nauseous with the only thing stopping it is to nobble on food all day so had to stop Cambridge and between that and my body/thyroid reacting I'm back to where I was before Christmas weight wise.

I needed a bit of a break so have just got back from a weekend in York which was good in getting me focused again. Then I had an email from a friend in the USA inviting me to go see her for a week down at the lake in north Carolina in June. I've decided that although I might suffer a bit for the flight I'm going to go ahead and plan the trip to give me something to look forward to - there's plenty of shade at the lake house so it shouldn't be a big problem from that point of view and I really need to not let this start making me stop doing things at the moment and keep it in perspective.

So that also gives me a focus for the dieting as that's about 16 weeks away and i need to lose around 16lbs if I can to be comfortable in shorts and to even consider wearing a bikini - or shorts and t shirts in my case as not sure a bikini would be a good idea for avoiding the sun anyway. And with that in mind I restarted my proponents counting today and the first time in a couple of months I tracked my points. Hopefully I can now make it go beyond one day and get myself focused again. I've got all the right foods in this week and a menu plan to keep me heading in the right direction and an aim of 1lb each week - hopefully the new meds won't be messing up my thyroid too much and my body will let the weight come off but if it is going to mess me up I need to get back on track to stop any gain anyway.

So that's where Im at right now. I see the consultant again in May to see whether the new meds are working - they seem to be actually creating symptoms at the moment which isn't great at the mo as being so tired with a blinding headache, joint pain and feeling sick all the time doesn't help me stay focused on my dieting. With any luck that'll all adjust soon and settle down.

Hope everyone else is doing well and do update me on how it's going - will try and get myself back to posting regularly again from here on in but bear with me if it's a bit hit and miss at the moment :)

Here to follow if thats ok!

Sorry to hear you have been unwell!

I've now reset all my info and signature in order to create a totally fresh start as from today. It was good to see that I'm actually still down 1/2lb from last weight update on here despite all the various ups and downs - made me feel a lot better to know I haven't regained as I thought and strangely it feels like a loss already and puts me in the right frame of mind :)
Mifford said:
I've now reset all my info and signature in order to create a totally fresh start as from today. It was good to see that I'm actually still down 1/2lb from last weight update on here despite all the various ups and downs - made me feel a lot better to know I haven't regained as I thought and strangely it feels like a loss already and puts me in the right frame of mind :)

Well Done on the loss!!!

It's great to have a fresh start wipe the slate clean and get sorted :)

Definitely have my head back in the right place today - its amazing how much of this diet stuff is mental! It really helps having a focused target to aim for as well - there is no way I'm going away on holiday this size and need to be at least 7lbs lighter before I'll even consider it! Hopefully I'll be down by more than that but that is a definite focus point which helps.

So today's menu ...

Pineapple smoothie

Low fat pate on gluten free Crispbreads
Side salad

Steamed trout
2 x mini corn on the cob
Jacket potato
Curly wurly

I haven't pointed it all yet as I'm tryi g not to think so much about points as long as I'm not over and as long as I'm eating healthily - I think today will probably be under on the points but if I add to it then I'm eating for the sake of eating whereas the menu is low because it's healthy so I'm not going to worry about it. I guess I'm going back to my own version of simply filling again - the stuff I'm eating isn't necessarily the SF foods but I'm eating healthier food until I'm comfortably full and worrying less about points. I'll see how that goes this week and adjust from there.

It's good to be back and it's onwards and downwards from here on in :)
Hiya - well my being back on track and coming back here clearly hasn't gone too well by the look of it lol

Did track for a week and gained 1lb then didn't track and ate loads of rubbish for a week ... And gains 1lb.

This week I'm going to try eating sensibly without tracking and see what happens going that route. I think the new meds are interfering with my thyroid to be honest and it'll possibly take a few more weeks before it settles down again. It's very frustrating when it happens but I've just got to get myself back on track when it settles down and get the gain back off as soon as I can. Not easy bit got to be done :)
So I am now up yet again and this is definitely all heading in the wrong direction!

Today I am drawing a line under it properly and started tracking again - this to e I need to be strict with it and track religiously. That means eating up to my points even if I don't want to and keeping a record of every last little thing that I sometimes don't necessarily count thinking its within my weeklies anyway. And weighing everything because I'd stopped doing that as well.

Right now I'm back up to 14 stone 7 so that is my new starting point. Let's hope I can get it back on track to week!
So today's menu so far ....

Breakfast = 7
Special K with fruit & nut - couldn't find this so treated it as the same as sustain (4)
Skimmed milk (3)

Mid morning
Banana (0)

Lunch = 3
Parma ham x 3 (3)
Lettuce (0)
Pear (0)

Dinner = 11

Bubble & squeak..
Cabbage (0)
Spinach (0)
Chickpeas - needed using but not sure if they are going to work! (3)
Potato (5)
Low fat cheese grated (3)

Total so far = 21/31

Not quite sure how I'm going to use up another 10 but dinner won't be cooked for about 45 mins & I'm really hungry so may either grab a bag of walkers lites or some cheesy oatcakes to use some more points up :)
I am soooooooo hungry today! I'm viewing it as being a good sign as presumably it means I'm losing weight - at least I hope that's how it works lol

Today's menu ....

Breakfast = 2

Fruit smoothie (2)


Plums (0)

Lunch = 10

Parma ham sandwiches (7)
Pack of walkers lites (3)
Rub of cherries (0)


Plums (0)

Dinner =17

Jacket potato (11 - it's huge!!)
Low fat feta cheese (5)
Roasted veggies (0)
Olive oil (1)

General = 3

Milk for tea etc (3)

Total = 32/31 (1 weekly used)
So I did something unusual yesterday. Finished work at 4pm and suddenly had this urge to do some exercise!! I dusted off the x trainer and got it moving again - nothing too strenuous and a low resistance. After 20 mins I was knackered so decided to stop and go and do another 15 or 20 mins on the wii just dance .... And discovered my legs had been replaced by two sticks of jelly! Lol

I can't believe that I've become that unfit that I couldn't manage 20 mins at that level - its insane when I think about what I used to be doing in the gym 5 times a week before my body gave up on me. So I am now going to force myself to do that every evening whether I feel like it or not to get myself back fit again. The plan is 20 mins at that level every weekday this week and a break at weekends. Next week up it to 22 1/2 mins, week after 25 mins and so on. When I can regularly do 30-45 mins at this level I'll then start to increase the resistance slowly. By Christmas I should be up to the level of a normal unfit person!!! ;)

Oh well. At least I seem to have found my motivation and desire again. It's about 4 or 5 weeks since I started the new meds now and I'm guessing they've finally started to help my thyroid to work better - it would be about right as any changes in thyroid meds take about 6 weeks to show fully. Plus the doc told me that it would be about 12 weeks to see the impact of the new meds on me so being about halfway to that I guess I would expect to start seeing improvements at about this stage. The fact I had enough energy to even think about getting moving again is a HUGE improvement so it's looking good I hope. The only bugger being that as my energy levels are coming up to normal for anyone else it's like being permanently on caffeine for me compared to normal and I can't get to sleep this week because there's too much of it lol

I've just made up a big bowl of fruit salad which is now sitting in the fridge for any 'munchy moments' so that should help keep. E going a few days and hopefully the diet motivation will stay up there too because I always feel sooooo much better when I'm able to stick to it like this more.

Today's plan ....


Boiled egg
Big bowl fruit salad

Kind of undecided but do have a tin of 'big soup' in the cupboard which is most likely candidate or possibly ham sandwiches
Fruit salad

Steamed chicken fillet
Steamed new potatoes (100g)
2 x mini corn on the cob

It's possible I may have to switch today to being a simply filling day rather than counting because I think I'm going to be pretty low on points use with this menu - always seems daft that the points kind of discourage me from eating so healthily despite me having more than enough food. Because I fill up on fruit & veg the points are low but I think I'm probably eating more of them than they cater for in the zero allowance so that would make up some of the balance. Either way I'm not going to worry about it - switching to less healthy foods just to make up points is ridiculous and clearly I'm not starving myself so it's fine :)
I found out yesterday that the brand of thyroxine I take has had its licence removed due to compatibility issues with other brands - well that blooming well explains it then!! It causes my hypothyroidism to be up and down like a yo-yo which totally fits in with what is happening with me (I take a combo of different brands so it would fall within the problems they've had). I'm now waiting to get a new script from my docs and hopefully this will explain why I've been so up and down - with any luck once the new brand settles I will be back on the weight loss trail properly.

Did more exercise yesterday and dusted off the wii just dance - I'm not sure my legs are ever going to forgive me! Feel a lot better for getting back into it and surprised that I have enough energy to even contemplate it for the first time in far too long but the muscles over my knees seriously ache today! I feel about 60! Lol. Was debating what to do today but decided as the weather is so nice I might walk down the high street this afternoon and get some fresh air at the same time and that will count. And as an incentive I got a big bag of haribo party mix at the supermarket today - if I exercise I will allow myself one small bag without counting it as a treat.

So today's menu ....

Breakfast (3)

Pineapple smoothie (3)

Lunch (11)

Low fat pâté (5)
Gluten free crispbreads (3)
Curly wurly (3)
Plums (0)

Dinner (10)

Chicken breast (4)
Potato (2)
Olive oil (1)
Vegetable stir fry (0)
Fresh fruit salad (0)
Squirts cream (2)
Meringue nest (1)

General (3)

Skimmed milk (3)

So far = 27/31

I honestly thought that with the amount I'm eating today that I'd be pushing the limit on my points but for some reason I still have 4 left over. I'm not going to worry about it though as it covers me for any miscalculations on anything I've eaten.

So far this week is going really well - I feel back in the zone and with any luck between that and the meds change hopefully I'm on the right track again now. My jeans certainly feel marginally more comfy today than they did last week so that helps!
Another good day yesterday with another 20 minutes or so of exercise. I have so much energy at the moment - there's a good chance I may be either spot on where I should be with my thyroid or slightly hyper. Changed meds from today so it could stop soon so I'm going to make the most of it while I can!

Weigh in yesterday was down 1.5lbs so just another 2 to go to get me back down to where I was before Christmas and then get going in the right direction again. VERY happy with that :)

Today is a dark and dreary misty type of day so I'm grabbing my camera and heading down to Dungeness - should get some nice moody photos with this lighting and can get a bit of exercise without really feeling like it is exercise while strolling along the beach so should be a good day.

Breakfast was a quick bowl of special k and a cuppa, dinner tonight is going to be bacon and butterbeans sauté from the WW recipe book I have - having counted I have 17 points left for lunch after both of them so as long as I have something sensible for lunch while out then I shouldn't be doing too much damage. I'm thinking a jacket potato and hot chocolate in the cafe might put me slightly over but not enough that I need to panic about it:)

Right got to run - hope everyone else is having a good week xx
Hi Mifford, remember me?
I'm back after 8 months of nonsense!
I've just read the last few pages of your diary & I'm so glad you finally got a solid diagnosis from the Doctors after all this time - however I'm very sorry about what it is :(
I hope you are seeing some good Docs & your meds are leveling out now.
Wishing you all the best