Oooo dye is annoying. I got red dye on my sofa lol... oops!
May I ask which bank you use? I'm looking to change from Natwest and am unsure where to go, I want to do it this week.
Natwest for me were a great bank until last week when they changed how their banking system worked...
Before if I had money in my bank plus my overdraft I had £150 (£100 overdraft, £50 of my own) It would show, Balance £50, Available £150. Now it shows something like Balance £50, Available £47, I don't even know what this is suppose to mean so I've gone overdrawn once since it changed. I currently have so little in my bank even being paid Friday and I don't really understand where it's gone :/
I'm so uncomfortable with my bank I really am desperate to leave them, how does your bank account view online and mobile?