A Healthier Lifestyle Quest!!

funny how all good intentions are thrown out of the window when it comes to wine! :giggle: well done for trying to do the shred twice today though! i don't think i could even manage once!
Hello everyone!

Had quite a good day so far - even met up with a friend for lunch at Gregg's & managed to resist getting a scrummy cake!! We are both on a budget so we had to choose somewhere that was cheap. My friend just started Weight Watchers today so she had bought some of those little WW carrot cake slices so that was our treat after our toasties haha.


B - Warm weetabix with banana & golden syrup 318
L - Cheese & onion toastie with side salad, WW carrot cake471
D - Tuna pasta with light mayo 398

Others: 2 litres water, granola bar at 80 cal
Exercise: 30 Day Shred

Total calories: 1,267

I'm off to Calum's tomorrow for a week so have been looking up healthy low-cal recipes that we can make together. I haven't had Jambalaya in a while and I love that but I think he makes it on a regular basis now so he might be a bit sick of it. I'm thinking sweet & sour chicken skewers with Mediterranean rice one night for sure. We both like sweet & sour chicken if we order in a chinese takeaway so this would be a healthy alternative.
Urgh, I also have the dentist tomorrow before I go to Calum's. For the first time in 7 years - dreading it a little but it has to be done!!

Hope you are all having good days!

​Over and Out!
Hope the dentist goes well for you. Sweet & sour kebabs sound yummy! Usually I cheat when i make sweet & sour, and just add a jar of sauce!
I would usually do the same thing but I want to start making sauces from scratch so I think sweet & sour is a good place to start! I totally forgot that there is one of those Clandestine Cake Club things on at the pub Calum works in on Thursday night. I am going to avoid like the plague which will be hard because I really love baking and want to make a cake for it but I know that if I do I will end up sampling all the other cakes and that just can't be done at the moment. :(
ahhh hope you enjoy your time together.

chicken tikka kebabs are nice you marinade the chicken in low fat youghurt and tikka spice and grill them .... nomnom.

think i may make them next week.:)

enjoy your time tigether.

Sarah xx
ahhh hope you enjoy your time together.

chicken tikka kebabs are nice you marinade the chicken in low fat youghurt and tikka spice and grill them .... nomnom.

think i may make them next week.:)

enjoy your time tigether.

Sarah xx

Sounds delish Sarah they are going on my list!!
Hi Erin, hope you're enjoying your bank holiday weekend! :)
Thanks for stopping by guys...sorry I haven't been around this week!! Still on track and hoping for a good weigh in on Sunday. Will be back home and updating again properly from Thursday. Internet isn't great at Calum's unfortunately. Hope everyone is well!!xx
Hello again!

I'm in a low mood today as Spooky (one of my guinea pigs) passed away during the night. I only got home today after spending the week at Calum's so never got the chance to say goodbye. My parents let me know via phone and thankfully they dealt with his body for me. Here's a pic of the wee guy:


He was the older pig we adopted 16 months ago. He was in pretty poor condition when he came to us - broken teeth, covered in lice etc. I'm trying to console myself with the fact that we gave him a good, loving home for his last wee while in life. I'm going to miss his wee face.

Meh. Food-wise, I have been mostly good this past week but today I have only had weetabix and 2 choccie biscuits! Don't feel particularly hungry. I also had the dentist earlier to get a filling. I requested it without the injection as I have a bit of a phobia of them - but only mouth ones. I am perfectly find with needles, I have a tattoo and had no problems about getting my BCG etc. It's just the thought of getting jagged in the gum that freaks me out haha.

Anyway. I promise I will be back tomorrow with proper food diary updates. Off to snoop and catch up on all your diaries now!

​Over and Out!
Evening all!

Ended up quite off-track yesterday...combination of comfort eating due to Spooky passing away and it being that time of the month (which better go away in time for my holiday!!). Ashamed to say I scoffed/binged quite a lot of chocolate and crisps last night

However, I have kept up with the 30 Day Shred but did not move up to Level 3 as planned and am sticking with Level 2 until further notice. I am still struggling a bit with it and don't want to run before I can walk etc. I figure it's best to try and master Level 2 so that when I come back from my holidays I don't need to re-start at Level 1. It makes sense in my head anyway haha.

Here's my food diary for today:

B - Strawberries, banana & orange smoothie 240
L - Ham salad sandwich on white bread with mayo & some chips 510
D - Baked potato with side salad, coleslaw, beetroot, reduced cheddar cheese & ham slices 571

Others: 2 litres water
Exercise: 30 Day Shred

Total calories: 1,321

Will try for a less carb-filled day tomorrow...

So excited about my holiday now. Can't believe I'll be in sunny Spain in 4 days time!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

​Over and Out!
Thanks Cas. At least the other piggies seem to be getting on ok. They were a little quiet for a few days but seem to be getting back to normal.
I am all packed now!! Went to collect my euros today and got a passport holder. That's me all set :D
Sorry about Spooky xx Good luck for weigh in xx

I am sort of dreading weigh in tomorrow - I feel like a huge bloated mess because of my period :(. It has til Tuesday to P off or I will not be best pleased! For some reason it is a particularly bad one this month :(. Excuses, excuses though, eh?! I'm still hoping for a loss! Will report in tomorrow to let you all know :

Today's Food!

B - Strawberries, orange and banana smoothie 240
L - Jumbo sausage roll 535
D - Ham & tomato omlette with homemade chips & beans 350

Others: 2 litres water, topic bar at 126 cal
Exercise: 30 Day Shred

Total calories: 1,251

Again, a good day calorie target wise but actual food intake not so good. Need to try and focus and make better choices again. Not sure what's going on with me :(. Not gonna beat myself up too much though, I am going on holiday on Tuesday. Not sure if I mentioned that?

Over and Out!

Sure you will be fine at if the scale doesn't say what you want at least you know why , have a lovely holiday I am well jel
I feel horrid when I'm bloated so I know the feeling... I'm not sure period bloatness is the same as food bloatness though so don't know what to suggest, I'm rarely bloated whilst on, just sometimes painful. Avoid fizzy drinks and anything that might aggravate it? xxxxx
good luck for the weigh in!
ah erin i feel for you i had a particularly bad period this month also and sts even though id been excellent but following week had a 6lb loss. im sure youll have a loss after all the hard work with the 30ds.

i bet your excited for your holls i get excited for days out think id be uncontanable on a week holiday.

sarah xx