A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

no, it was quite extreme, but the human capacity to just keep going is quite amazing when it's needed. I wouldn't recommend trying it out though lol.

Tracey Hogg was the author of the book, and I liked her style, there was a section of the book devoted to dealing with things like sleep problems, and a host of other things.

will have a wee nosy and see if i can get one! willing to try anything at this point lol xxxx
Morning Lovely

Hope you have a Happy Thursday Hun. Looking forward to seeing some nice foody pics on your diary AND SOME GOOD FLUID INTAKES !! :rolleyes: (yes I'm back.....and big brother IS watching lol :p ) xxxxx

lol morning hun! I've not been a very good girl with the water intake recently oops!:eek: must try harder lol. How are you today hun? xxxx
lol morning hun! I've not been a very good girl with the water intake recently oops!:eek: must try harder lol. How are you today hun? xxxx

LOL no I noticed you had dipped a bit with it naughty naughty lady ! ;)

I'm not too bad today hun, a little tired....not sure if its the tabs from the docs making me feel 'drowsy' or just cos I slept on the sofa and didnt make it to bed :eek: I'm on a quiche & cake baking mission again today to keep me busy :) xxx
LOL no I noticed you had dipped a bit with it naughty naughty lady ! ;)

I'm not too bad today hun, a little tired....not sure if its the tabs from the docs making me feel 'drowsy' or just cos I slept on the sofa and didnt make it to bed :eek: I'm on a quiche & cake baking mission again today to keep me busy :) xxx

look forward to seeing your creations hun! I wil get myself on a water mission today lol:Dxxxx
I'm rubbish with the fluid too, hope you have a good day you two x
I'm rubbish with the fluid too, hope you have a good day you two x

Thanks hun! sun is shining here today so will get off into town in a bit (waiting for washing machine to be done then have to hang it out:rolleyes:) and enjoy the weather while it's here! xxx
it's a nice day here too, might head out for a walk later :)

I don't hang my washing out any more as it makes my hay fever worse

My youngest has hay fever too and there is nothing they can give her until shes 1! poor wee sausage! xxxx
Think i am back on ee these days as i seem to lose better on ee, did 4 red days last week and only lost 1lb! so will see how i do this week back on ee. Having a bit of o mental block on dinner ideas lately so having a look at my books again for some inspiration. Tonight is sorted though i am finally going to see what all the fuss is about over the Maggi so juicy bags! i bought the garlic and soy chinese one so will be making that tonight with boiled rice and broccoli. Lunch i think i may go for a salad of some sort i think, either that or leftover chilli will see how i feel when i get back from town

So plan for today is:

Breakfast: 2 weetabix with banana & ss milk
Lunch: ? tbd
Dinner: Maggi chicken thing

i have some choc philly in the fridge so think i might use that in my syns today with strawberries to dip in it! mmmmm

have a nice day!!
well that has just taken the wind right out my sails.... went to the bank, taking my 7 month old with me, to get a home insurance quote and on the way out the clerk said oh i see your pregnant again! :cry: gutted. i thought i was doing quite well with the weight loss but obviously not xxx
well that has just taken the wind right out my sails.... went to the bank, taking my 7 month old with me, to get a home insurance quote and on the way out the clerk said oh i see your pregnant again! :cry: gutted. i thought i was doing quite well with the weight loss but obviously not xxx


Don't let it dishearten you hun, just poke her eyes out next time you are in there!
You are doing REALLY WELL Hunni, you have lost weight each & every week consistently at a healthy rate (whilst juggling a busy family too which must take some doing!)......Just ignore the stooopid Biatch :bighug: xxxxxx

Agreed. People are so dense. I know this is beside the point, but why would you EVER say to anyone that you can see they're preggers if you didn't know they were? I just don't get people at all?

Someone got up for my friend on the tube the other day (my friend is a size 10 and already bodydismorphic about herself!) She said don't worry she was ok standing and the person said she shouldn't be standing in her condition and she couldn't believe none of the younger people had got up for a pregnant woman. My friend was so mortified she sat in the seat cos she didn't want to say she wasn't pregnant.

What's wrong with people!? Xxxxx
Thanks ladies, i didn't know what to say to her so i just smiled and walked out! now i don't really want to go back into the bank.... and i have to most days to take stuff in for my hubby :sigh:. xxxxx
Hey Hunni bun

Hows you today? any exciting plans (apart from drinking LOTS lol) xxx

lol its first on my list hun!:waterbottle:. I am fine my lovely, its chucking it down here today :raincloud: so am less than impressed! I have to go out in a bit to get ingredients for the lasagne i am making for tomorrow- i am feeding the 5000 tomorrow! Have just had a yummy breakfast of 2 original quorn sausages and leftover balsamic onions from last night on toast..... so simple yet so tasty! and totally worth the 2 syns for the sausages. xxx