Hi Nee
I've been reading your thread & find it inspiring that you keep at it. I am 49 & have been struggling with weight issues since I was a teenager. Well done for sticking at it. I am new on xenical group & find all the advice a big help. When I feel like a binge, before I go off track I make myself read something on here & more often than not it makes me think twice about stuffing my face. I know its disheartening when not much lbs seem to be dropping. I weigh the same now as 2 weeks ago but clothes feel looser so will keep at it. Well done on going back to college, your course sounds really cool.
Ahhh Thanks so much, Its good to see that we all help each other in different ways, I just lost my way and fell in to the trap AGAIN but slowly getting back on track, I too have battled with weight issues since I can remember so I have the want to do it, problem is I love food ha ha, keep up the work yourself and we'll all get there.
Ps Yes cant wait for the college woo hoo
yeay! that sounds amazing! Is it costing u a fortune? I wanna go back but it costs a bomb up here!
well i lost 2lbs so not drinking mad noo difference at all to my weight loss! SO its back to the bottle for me! burp hehehe
Its true what china babe said. Its sooo diheartening to see the lbs go a lb here an a pound there but as u can see from my weight loss history, it soon adds up!
what u up to day then hun?
Luckily no, I have wanted to return to college for years I left when I was 17/18 ish and at that time they had no courses in Theatre production so I kept applying for work but I never had the experience so got nowhere with it, having moved to Bournemouth a few months back I thought Id investigate it again and horaahh they had a specific production course

Due to my 'low income' and the fact I receive Tax credits due to that, I only had to pay £40! so basically nothing, the course should have been £1795 or something so PHEW! I think if you want to do it then you should go for it, Im 28yrs and feel pretty scared about going back but I dont want to work in a call centre for the rest of my life (not that there is anything wrong with that) its just not what I had in mind for me.
Well done on the 2lbs thats great

keep it up and yes, im sure a wine or 2, or 3 or 200 wont hurt
Dieting is a pain, its hard not to let it take over but when you hate who and what you are it just happens, but take aways...hmmmm yum
Was at work today then got home a little early then took the dog's for a 30 min walk, now sitting in my PJ's chilling, you?
Hiya Nee, good to see you are getting there slowly, 75% is sooo much better and before you know it you will be in the 'zone' 100% and those pounds dropping off.
Will be thinking of you tuesday for the start of your course, good luck xx
Hey Abby,
Trying to get there, still a way to go but at least Im back here... not AWOL at the min hee hee
How are you? Hope your still smiling lots????????? xx