A Mandy Journey - there and NEVER back again!

Fran, it aint stew unless it's Irish Stew and it aint Irish Stew unless it's made in Ireland hahaha you're just having a casserole :p J/k..how do you make yours?

Ah I get the whole trip done in an hour, so it's fine. I don't mind doing it unless it's raining, but it has to be done, Fia has to go to playgroup. I totally swear by Alpen Light bars. The choc orange ones are just delish! I'm Irish, and to be fair, most of us, if we're not eating potatoes we're eating bread lol, but I've only had bread once in the past two weeks. Alpen bars are far more tasty!
The tablets I just picked up myself. I'd been doing some looking up online about what ails me (haha) and decided to give them a try. I picked them up at Tesco for less than 2 euro. To be fair, I think there's a bit of an appetite suppressor in there, and that's why people have experienced weight loss on them. I haven't been hungry at all today and in fact, had to remind myself to eat. I just had dinner, half of what I usually eat (which is actually a bigger portion that I should be having anyway), and I'm stuffed.
I'm not feeling any energy kick yet though, which is disappointing, and have spent all day being tired, even though I only got up at 11am. I think I'm just gonna have to suck it up and get up early every morning, whether hubby is doing the school runs or not, and get into a routine.
I swear by routine. It's totally sad and uninspiring but it is effective.

I make the stew by going "mum, stew!" Lol. She won't let me make it so I am glad I planned it in this week. Her dad is Irish, as is her nan's mum on her maternal side, so she is more Irish than anything else. And it is so true about bread and potatoes. I syned a slice of bread for with stew (not white though, we don't have any) and I have had potatoes twice today. We literally buy potatoes by the sack and keep them in the tool shed. I can't lift the bag!

Off to try your alpen light bars now. Got choc fudge and apple and sultana. One each for a heb. Found a rocky road hifi bar when I was doing the laundry too. Score. (laundry is done in an out building so it is odd to find food in there)
Methinks someone has been in your stash and is eating in the outbuilding lol

Ah I suppose it's an Irish Stew if made by someone who's Irish in England lol
I go through a 7.5k bag of potatoes every week, and always run out by Wednesday!
I think it is Nate just carrying it in when I bring him to help with the laundry to be honest. Mum doesn't like them and if it was dad it'd just be a wrapper. haha.

You sound like us for potatoes! Just asked dad and it is a 25Kg sack we get. It lasts a few weeks. I think once it was just 3 weeks and mum couldn't believe I was putting potatoes on the list again. haha.
It's an Irish thing lol SPUDS!!!

Today's been a good day. I used all of my syns again today, but you know I remember having my best losses when I did use all my syns. Going off with my best friend tomorrow morning for a bit of girl time. I'm actually going to bring food with me, for once! I'm not going to say "to hell with it" and scoff a KFC or something. I'm thinking I might bring some Minced Beef Hash, heated and wrapped in foil to keep it warm, along with a WW wrap. It'll definitely fill me up. I'll also bring some fruit just in case.
Hubby is out tonight for a darts tournament, which I'm really hoping he wins a few quid in. We could really do with it. My first order (worth 33 euro) won't be paid for until Monday, so I'm flat broke until then, at which point hubby will give me his "keep", so I won't even need to break into the order money. I'm hoping to save all of it for Tiffany's Confirmation. Even if orders slow down again, I'll be at least 120 euro better off, with this week's orders. Gosh, all those 5 euros and 10 euros really do add up! If only every week was so busy! I could actually have (shock, horror!) a social life again! lol

I have to find a better place/system for my yarn. At the minute it's all in boxes (really nice boxes!) at the side of the couch, but it's gotten to be such a big stash that it looks untidy. Damn these houses anyway, there's no storage in them! And I hate, despise and loathe shelves on the walls! Ugh, how ugly!

Anyway, I'm gonna go relax for a few minutes before heading to bed, g'night x
oh wow, I'd love to see a picture of these headbands. Are the orders direct to you? over the net? or from shops? I get bored doing the same pattern over and over again, so I'd be rubbish at doing what you are doing. I noticed Nate's jumper is getting a bit small so I might have to find a new pattern. I am knitting something at the moment that is so uninspiring I am just not doing it! So silly. I need to ban myself from here so I am forced to do it so I can move on.

I'm with you on the mess it creates. I have 2 knitting bags, then mum has LOADS plus a little sewing machine to one side, several tables and poofs and boxes and it makes the lounge look a right tip! but there's no where for it to go at the moment. How about looking at storage on Ikea? I am loving Ikea Hacks at the moment. Some are awful and bulky messes, but some are brilliant.

Sleep well and have fun tomorrow. I need to head to Exeter soon as I think Giant Boy's Giant feet have grown again. (I will just have to stop feeding him) Thankfully I have the Jacket Potato Joints pretty well scoped out. haha. I used most of the full 15 syns the other week and lost 4lbs so I do agree with you. I think it is swapping things about and changing them that works really well.

Just think, for the confirmation you will be slimmer and lusher, and you'll have more pennies..... and huge finger muscles from all your crocheting!
The orders are direct to me over the net. I have a fb page set up (Mand-Made Creations) if you'd like to have a little nosey!
I'm still not finished my first knitted square...It's just so slow it seems pointless haha
Are you on Ravelry? If so, you can add me there, my username is HookyMonster :) And if not, check it out for some new patterns for Nate xx

Unfortunately we only have one Ikea here and it's an hour's drive away...and I don't drive :( For now, the boxes will have to do, at least everything is accessible, I suppose, if somewhat untidy.

Kids feet grow so fast don't they? My Fia has huge feet. She's going to be tall, I think. She's only just turned 3 last October, and she's in a size 9 already, and heading into a 10.

Yeah I think keeping your body on its toes is the key to losing weight...well I hope so haha

I've packed up a lunch box full of Minced Beef Hash, and I'm pretty sure the place we're going has a microwave in the food hall, so I can reheat it. I've had fruit for breakfast and have taken my tablet, so I'm set to go.
LMAO@ huge finger muscles. I can imagine breaking the camera just by pressing the shutter hahahaha

Hubby didn't win anything in the tournament last night, but he seems to have had fun anyway. Isn't that the whole point? I have to get at least 3 headbands done when I come home later on to stay on track to finish my orders during the week, but they only take about 1h 15mins to do, so that shouldn't be a problem. It's the hats that drive me insane...they take about 4-5 hours to do with all the fiddly bits, especially the new Minnie Mouse ones, because of all the polka dots that I have to sew in. C'est la vie...money is money!
That's brilliant you get orders in though. I am on ravelry (plummy) I tend to just use it for getting patterns. I think I will have to stray away from baby patterns into little boy ones :(

Your fia sounds like nate, he was a 6.5 H at 18 months :/ you will have to bind her feet ;). I think if I stop feeding Nate he won't be so massive. Haha.

I hope you are having a nice time and not spending your orders money ;)
I had a lovely time! I had no cash on me, but I did have a 50 euro gift card that my MIL bought me. Planned to keep it for the Confirmation for my own outfit, but thought I'd bring it along today just in case I saw something I had to have. Luckily, there was nothing that said "buy me now, or regret it forever" lol. So I still have my voucher.
I brought the Minced Beef Hash with me and ate it, feeling very saintly as my friend ate a KFC in front of me. Later on though, we did stop for a cup of tea and a custard slice, which if I remember correctly is 18 syns. But all in all, going 3 syns over was an achievement, as we're both eaters, and usually would have had the KFC, a 99 icecream, and the custard slice too! Along with a bar of chocolate or two. Feeling very happy about it.
Planning on having SW chips and egg for dinner with some fruit beforehand. And I still have my B choice for a treat of Alpen bars later on xx
Well done you for not having the KFC that is willpower right there xxx
You deserve a medal for not having KFC!! it's so my weakness. Even if it's a little popcorn chicken... Drool!! So hats off to you!

Whats in the hash? I'm always on the lookout for new yummy recipes! Xxx
Minks, the hash is kind of like a chilli, only not as spicy. It's mince, potatoes, carrots, onion, chillies, chopped toms, stock, and herbs/spices. I'll root out the recipe later and post it up here x

I'm not having the best day. Food wasn't off plan, but wasn't great either. I've not been feeling the best. Had a headache earlier, and a pain in my chest and between my shoulder blades (chest infection on the way), and took some paracetamol, but the past few hours it's been back with a bang. I'm literally sitting here having to cover my eyes every few minutes to try to alleviate the pain. Have taken more paracetamol but it's doing no good at all. Also hurts to cough (you know that real sharp feeling?), so the chest infection is definitely taking hold. Have a feeling I'll wake up tomorrow feeling absolutely awful, but will be thrilled if I can at least function normally.
Food today was, a banana, and a roast dinner with stuffing and parsley sauce. I haven't used any other syns, but I haven't eaten anything else either. I simply feel yucky.
I'm going to force myself to have my B choice (bread today) and the rest of my A for some tea and toast -- good for what ails you when you're sick! But that will probably be the extent of my food today. At least I'm not reaching for the chocolate...
Yes, yes I know I've been A.W.O.L for the past week...sorry. I've been so sick. I had a flu, chest infection, tonsilitis and a sinus infection. Spent the week not able to do anything, and eating badly, so not surprise to hear that I've had a gain this week - 2lb. It's not a mega gain, but I could have done without it!
Feeling a bit better now though, so I'm back on it, and hoping to get that pesky gain off this week. Spent all day today cleaning my own house and my mother's, since I passed my sickness on to her and she's got nobody to help her.
Starving right now, so I'm gonna go and have some Minced Beef Hash with a WW wrap - nom nom.

Be back later!
Your mum is lucky to have you :) I'm sure it is much appreciated.

I've seen your awesome losses so I know you will knock those lbs right back off. It is frustrating though, it isn't like you had fun putting them on. We all retain fluid when we are ill so drink lots and pee those lbs away! :)

Mum mention mince beef hash the other day and I thought of you :)

How are the headbands going?
Yeah I suppose I do eat a lot of the hash haha. Have you tried it? It's yummy.

The orders are coming along, although I had to scrap any and all orders last week as I was so sick, but I'm back on them now, trying to play catch up lol

My Mam was very grateful. She tried a few times telling me to stop cleaning and that I'd done enough, but you know the way you can tell by someone's body language that they don't really want you to, and that they're thrilled? Haha yeah, she was delighted. I know that when I'm sick and the house goes to pot it drives me nuts and then I'll try to clean up and get angry because I feel worse. At least she can now relax for the evening knowing it's all done for her. If I end up bringing Tiffany to the hairdresser's tomorrow I'll pop over and do another few bits for her. I left her a lunch box full of soup defrosting on her countertop for tomorrow's lunch, so she just has to heat it up. Everybody loves being looked after when they're sick.

I'll have those lbs off in no time. I'm aiming for 10lb this month, simply because I *should* have a good loss this week or next. That will put me right back to where I was before the whole month of December and half of January off plan. That would be fab, and then I've another 2 weeks before the Confirmation to lose another few lbs. Roll on!

Stuffed now after my dinner, and still have my B choice and 10 syns. Suppose I'll get hungry again later on because of the missed meals, so I might save my B for some tea and toast later.