Day 52 - still been 100% so far work had another buffet yesterday and I forgot my blummin soup but I didn't cheat just watched the members on my team who are "on a diet" pig out its amazing how much u notice that these people cheat and use the phrase "1 won't hurt" but its 1 of this one of that then another until the other famous saying comes out "well I've Been bad now so will start again tomorrow" and then continue to pig out. That is the reason in a few months I will be a lot thinner and u will be same size or bigger .anyway just thought I wud share that with u lot x
Good morning all I'm too hot and full of cold lol and my gammy hand still not 100% but its the start of the 4 day weekend

gonna drink loads of water this weekend as not drank enough this week I don't think. Bf in work all weekend so gonna be a quiet one x
Anyone doing ne thin good ???