bunny_hops said:
Hope things are ok with you hun!
Thanks Bunny I was thinking of your advice while choosing food last night!
Yesterday I didn't take any Xen on the basis there would be some in my system & I wanted to reduce the likelihood of being Tango'd.
I had lunch with the friend who's getting married (dress code black tie) in December and enjoyed spinach & ricotta cannelloni with a salad rather than garlic bread. It was gorgeous and served on roasted veg so some unexpected oil in addition to the cheese sauce. They had lots of fish dishes but I wan't feeling that brave and I didn't have a pud.
On my way home my tummy was painfully churning & I had to stop for the loo. I had a lie down for an hour & luckily was fine. I'm not sure if this was from the meal or that I'd had a couple of days of rabbit poos.
In the evening it was off to a 60th birthday party, I deliberately had some veg first so I wasn't starving. There they'd laid out lots of Indian dishes so I had a little bit if everything veggie & piled my plate high with lettuce so it looked full then had the fresh fruit salad as it was unsugared. The food was delicious & I enjoyed trying it all - a couple if months ago I'd have been up for seconds & thirds!
I saw friends who we'd not seen since June and they commented on how well I looked & how my skin was radiating. The compliments were really nice. They also said I'd always looked healthy while overweight & it's true that some people can be thin but look unwell. She suggested I look into doing some proper long distance walking which she enjoys (between her marathons), so that's a thought for next year.
Today I've been at a kayak slalom competition all day on my feet with a couple of portaloos between everyone hence not wanting Mr Tango to visit!
I'm not advocating skipping Xen & won't be making it a regular occurrence but on this occasion it worked for me. Fingers-crossed tomorrow's WI agrees.