So, it been ages since I last wrote on here and how times have changed. I managed to keep going in the Summer, finishing the couch to 5K programme, running the Race for Life in July and getting down to 150 pounds. However as Summer Holidays came and went and Uni started again I lost track of dieting and let things slip.
By the start of December I was up to 154 and by the end of Christmas and start of January I was up to 160 pounds eek!
However in the last three weeks I've managed to get down to 155 using WW discovery points but I'm starting to struggle. I am on placement at Uni so I spend the weekdays living away from my flat and am really good, but then I get back at the weekend and end up binge eating :sigh: so in an attempt to get back on track I'm going to give propoints a go. I'm also going to try and get back to regularly posting on here to build my motivation back up arty0049:
On the 11/02 I'll get back on the scales and see how pro points pays off