A public promise to myself - YAY, I DID IT !!!!


Thinking of you!

I hope the weekend was not too stressful and that your okay:confused: :rolleyes:

Love Mini xxx
Morning all

Well i'm very pleased to say that for the first weekend in about 8 weeks i didn't binge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so flipping chuffed with myself - can't quite believe it!!

Sunday is usually my downfall day - and it was hard, and i was starving BUT i didn't give in. I felt so amazing going to bed last night and hugely relieved when i woke up this morning!!

Mondays is usually quite a depressive day for me - but not today!!!!

I hope that i've now broken this destructive cycle!!!!!

I'm happy ;o)
Well done Karen!!!! I look forward to reading your posts with great interest, I think they are informative, and reflect "real life"!! I love them.
I am just a beginner at this "maintaining" and I love your descriptions of menus etc. I also love your sense of humour - and the way you incorporate wine into your life as well, and I hope I can do that one day.
I am SO pleased the weekend went as you wanted it to.
Ann xxx
Well done Karen!!!! I look forward to reading your posts with great interest, I think they are informative, and reflect "real life"!! I love them.
I am just a beginner at this "maintaining" and I love your descriptions of menus etc. I also love your sense of humour - and the way you incorporate wine into your life as well, and I hope I can do that one day.
I am SO pleased the weekend went as you wanted it to.
Ann xxx

Hi Ann

Oh what a lovely lovely message!! Thanks very much!! :D

Hey the wine is well and truly incorporated into my life, and to no detrimental effect either - i used to suffer hugely with hangovers but since this diet i don't get them!! I had two guests last week (on separate days), and they both woke up the following morning feeling awful but i was fresh as a daisy both days! Strange eh?

Thanks again for your kind words and good luck with the maintaining!!

well done karen... you did brill, knew you could do it girl!!!


Gen xx

Thanks babe!! I can't believe it did it - tried sooooo many times! I think it was cos i didn't want to be publicly humiliated on here that did it for me!!!


I really hope so!!!! I've just added myself to the bonfire night challenge so hope to be back at goal by then!!

Are you excited about Wednesday? Have you been cutting out the carbs in readiness or eating everything in site?? (I did the latter before starting haha).
I really hope so!!!! I've just added myself to the bonfire night challenge so hope to be back at goal by then!!

Are you excited about Wednesday? Have you been cutting out the carbs in readiness or eating everything in site?? (I did the latter before starting haha).

Hi Karen
You will be at target soon......after 8 weeks of weekend binging and then you abstained you know you can do it.....well done you ;)
Yes I cant wait until Wednesday! sad GIT! lol Ive cut out coke as I was addicted to it which has been hard and Ive cut right down on junk.............So I hope this time next week i'll be over the worst as for 6 months Ive tried to do Cd again but day 2 got hard..this time I have to do it as Ive gone on about it and I want to make sure people know?If you see my logic?God lets hope I do it then :eek: lol
Well done treasure!!!! V jealous you only have 10 lbs to go, but hopefully so will I soon!
Well Done Honey!!!!!! Had all my fingers and toes crossed for you!

You have broken the cycle now - and i'll be watching next week to make sure you stick to just chillin on a sunday and nothing else!!! :D
Well Done Honey!!!!!! Had all my fingers and toes crossed for you!

You have broken the cycle now - and i'll be watching next week to make sure you stick to just chillin on a sunday and nothing else!!! :D

Hi Helen !!

Thanks so much babe! I really appreciate that! And yes, please do keep an eye on me - i really can't be going back there again!!!

Fantastic, it must have taken some doing to break the cycle and Im chuffed for you, well done to the max x
Fan-bloody-tastic :D

I'm not only chuffed for the fact that you managed to see out the weekend, but also on what this can mean for all the other weekends for the rest of you life ;) You're on your way to control :)
Thanks Vicky and Chicken!!!!!

It was a really tough day but soooooo worth it!!! I'm truly hoping that cos i've done it once i can do it every weekend! I think i've broken a key psychological barrier! Putting the promise here really helped me actually!!