A quandry...

Well it came as a surprise to both sets of parents, to be honest. They assumed he was too anti (all his family have been divorced at least once), and I was too feminist! However after a chat over a few beers, we decided that even though we were quite happy as we were, it was the sensible thing to do. There are an important set of perks to being a spouse/next-of-kin, that you don't realise you haven't got until a crisis happens. (Apparently he was trying to find the cajones to ask anyway, but even I would have been surprised at that...!)

Anyway, while the thought of running away was damn tempting, we decided that if we were going to do it, we'd rather be surrounded by friends and have a bit of fun with it*. So we're bringing a small piece of Vegas to Birmingham, baby... :cool:

* A former colleague actually did the running away to Vegas thing (with another former colleague, as it happens), and got hitched in the same chapel as Britney. While the trip was an absolute hoot, apparently the wedding itself left them a bit underwhelmed, as it was a bit 'conveyor belt...'
Hmm strike vegas then...ohhh I should just get one of the band mates ordained over the internet and do it back stage at a gig! (Not sure about the legalities though...) Yehhh! :D (Oh dear)

No, in all fairness I think if I ever did get married I'd want to share it with friends and family too.
We got married here then did New Zealand and Las Vegas for the honeymoon. Fantastic!
Oh buggrit.

I've just done my sums because I was trying to do the 'set yourself realistic goals' thing. And the dress I want has a 12 week lead time, so if I order it, say mid June, I will still be playing dress-size roulette so it 1) arrives in good time and 2) doesn't need 2st of alterations. (That's a *lot* of taking in...)

Alternatively, I hold-out and pray that I end up small enough for the other ones I like, off the peg. What weight will I need to be for a comfortable 34 or a 36 inch waist? The batteries in my crystal ball have gone dead.

This dieting lark's a complete pain in the ar$e. I'm going to have to chance it, and I really don't like doing that. Esp over something like this.

And while I'm annoyed, why is my signature block bit so mahoosive? It looks untidy.
Well today I am mostly 13.5 stone, a size 16 and have a 38" waist, so as you are marginally taller than me I reckon 13 stone or so?

And your sig is so large cos of your stats down the right-hand side, if you leave lots of


in your text it goes smaller!

Unless you fill it up with stuff like me.....:eek:
1) Given also that I go 'in' in the middle and am planning on supremely supportive garments, I suppose thereabouts would be about right. It's all making my control-freak gene twitch somewhat, though.

2) Ah of course - yes, thanks. Obvious really. I was just a bit off on one back there. I'll fill it with nonsense. And your stuff is always incredibly helpful and informative - mine's mostly dross... ;)
1) Given also that I go 'in' in the middle

Me too now.

Today's vital stats are 45-38-43.5 which isn't bad at all I don't think. I still go in & out in all the right places, I just don't go quite far enough in whilst coming out too far at the moment!

I suspect I may be getting a bit bogged down with all this weighing and measuring stuff though, although there's no chance of me forgetting any of it cos I've got it all (including his!) on a spreadsheet............:eek:

I'm just glad that choosing a dress for your wedding as a guest is a bit less fraught with hidden pitfalls lol, I'm currently thinking fifties polkadot with halterneck, high pointy boobs, nipped in waist and a big swirly skirt with petticoats (fingers crossed) :D
Me too now.

Today's vital stats are 45-38-43.5 which isn't bad at all I don't think. I still go in & out in all the right places, I just don't go quite far enough in whilst coming out too far at the moment!

Fair do's, and nice one. Mine was more of a comment on my somewhat disproportionate inny-outy-ness which makes it a complete bugger to find jeans to fit...

I suspect I may be getting a bit bogged down with all this weighing and measuring stuff though, although there's no chance of me forgetting any of it cos I've got it all (including his!) on a spreadsheet............:eek:

Actually, approaching it objectively, I think is the way to go. Treat it as a project, and it stops getting quite so fraught and laden with emotion. it also keeps it in perspective too. I have a 'weight loss project' file, but the graph is hand-drawn...:eek:

But if there's anything I've learned from the slideshow above, is to remember to take regular photos.

I'm just glad that choosing a dress for your wedding as a guest is a bit less fraught with hidden pitfalls lol, I'm currently thinking fifties polkadot with halterneck, high pointy boobs, nipped in waist and a big swirly skirt with petticoats (fingers crossed) :D

Sounds a lot like what I've got in mind too, only a different colour... A 38in waist means you're now at the top end of Vivien of Holloway's epic frocks. I quite fancy, around about June, a trip with yourself and the girls to have a monster frock-trying-on session and endeavouring to get up the nose of the snooty shop assistants. (And then buggering off and buying them on ebay instead...)

(Revenge for getting ignored in their shop back in Oct.)