A question about Exante/Slimfast


Full Member
Hello everyone. I have a question about Exante and slimfast. From what I have read exante is 3 things per day. I was thinking can you do this with slimfast? just have 3 per day Or is there something in Exante different.I'm thinking of trying Exante but I have a lot of slimfast to use up first.

Thank you

You cant do 3 slimfast a day because it's not got all your vits and mins in just 3 shakes. Plus there is way too much sugar in it for you to go into ketosis.
Having just 3 slim fast a day would make you very very ill.

Exante is a complete food replacement diet and has 1/3 of your daily vits and mins in each pack so you get 100% at the end of the day. It also has really low carbs so you go into ketosis.